Chapter Twenty-nine

ابدأ من البداية

"Good grades, important people, business blablabla. That's all you care about, all you can ever think of, I would not sit and listen to your talks not when you are so self centered" I spat.

I sighed before standing up, "Reggie was attempting to__ I don't even need to tell you because it wouldn't matter to you"

"Good bye" I walked away, I went in to say hi to my Nan then left with Nolan.

He tried talking me to staying back with my mom but I refused, staying in that house with my mother would make me run mad.

The next day, Zemela wasn't in school her friends didn't know why she wasn't in school.

She had no phone so no one could contact her, I knew where she lived but Sadiki, Ruby and Nolan warned me against visiting her because of her said strict father.

The week ended and she still wasn't in school.
When I asked Principal Jase' secretary, she said Zemela was involved in an accident and she was in the hospital.

Nolan, Ruby, three other friends of hers, Sadiki and I decided to visit her on Monday after school.

"She's in school man" Nolan said from the other end, I was on my way to school already.

"That's good news" I said.

"Yeah" he said.
"She got into a fight with Skyler minutes after leaving Vice principal Rebecca's office" he said from the other end.

"Yeah man, the bitch broke her glasses"
"How cruel could she be?"
"But, bandage head slapped her hard, I was happy about that"

"Bandage head?"
"Your princess has a bandage crown on her head, her fight with Skyler might have caused more bleeding too" he said.
I winced internally, "that's horrible"

"I feel Skyler pulled up a nasty move over the weekend that was why bandage princess was pissed off on a Monday morning after an accident" one thing Nolan and I had in common was we were both people smart.
"I don't want to think what you're thinking" I told him making the turn to school.

"I pray it isn't man, you should talk to her when you get to school, she's in the sick bay"
"Aye aye captain"

I made it to the sick bay without being noticed or maybe teachers had had enough of my shit already.

"Hey" I sat next to her, classes were on so no one was in the sick bay except the nurse and a tall girl.
She smiled, "hey" from her smile I knew she recognized my voice and scent but she couldn't see me.

The tall girl told me everything that had happened, she was one of Skyler's friends, her name was Dontella or Danielle-i can't remember- she stood up for Zemela and got beaten too.

"Bryson" Zemela called searching for my hand, I reached for hers and held it.

"All ears" I told her.
"Please don't let them contact my dad" she shook her head, tears rolled down her cheeks, "please, I'll get into more trouble" she begged.

"But Zemela_"
"No" she cut Dontella/Danielle shut, "I know why I am saying this. Please I beg you" she was crying fully now.
"Okay, I'll try my best" I left after assuring her and calming her down.

On my out I ran into Sadiki.
"I apologize"

"It's fine" he muttered.
"Bryson" he called stopping me.

I turned to look at him.
"We've had our fights and all, you and I are not the best of friends but that doesn't mean there isn't an honest part of you. I want to believe you have pure intentions towards Zemela. If this is one of your Bryson Griffin thing then just drop it. If you have any decency left in you leave her alone, she has been through alot she doesn't need your additional trouble, because that's all you cause" he walked into the sick bay before I could assure him I'm not as heartless as he thinks I am.

Sadiki and I are neighbors, we were once good neighbors until I slept with his money loving girl friend. I wouldn't say it's not my fault at the same time I wouldn't say it's my fault.

After much debate Vice principal Rebecca agreed on not calling Zemela's father.
Skyler was given two weeks suspension, if I were asked that was a small punishment she deserved more.
Her two other friends were given one week suspension.
Tall girl-Dontella/Danielle was given detention along with Zemela.

Skyler's parents were contacted and informed, they were asked to pay for a new pair of glasses for Zemela.

I called Principal Jase and talked him into allowing me take Zemela to the eye clinic for new pair of glasses, which he agreed to only after assigning Mr Bainton to go with us.

For some reason Principal Jase believes Me Bainton was the only teacher that could handle me, little did he know.

I couldn't really speak to Zemela because she was acting all quiet and in her she'll all through the drive to the clinic, after she got her emergency glasses she slept off in the car, her bandage was stained with blood, she was wearing a blazer and panty hose but from the way she behaved I knew she had injuries she was hiding. I dropped off before Mr Bainton drove her home because I didn't want her father to see me, it might be trouble for her.

I prayed and hoped her father wasn't abusing her.

Once again Barka da Salah!

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