Heaven or Hell?

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Izuku POV

I was at least feeling better today so I got out of bed and got ready for school. I went downstairs and got something to eat. "Goodmorning Izu, I see your feeling better" Toshi sat next to me. "Yeah! Thanks for helping me Toshi, I really appreciate it" I smiled. "Sure Izu anytime" He ruffled my hair.

We went to class and the day went on like usual. Lunch not so much. Nii-chan came and sat with us for once in a long while. "Nii-chan, is something wrong?" I asked. "It's nothing don't worry about it, alright?" He smiled. I looked at Kacchan making eye contact with him then looked back at Nii-chan. "I've heard about a new shop opening up at the mall, anyone wanna come?" Neito asked. "Izuku, your still hanging out with these people?" Nii-chan looked at me. "W-well I- Umm... y-yes" I felt like shrinking into a shell and dissapeare from the earth. "Izuku" He grouned. "I-I'm so-orry Nii-chan" Kacchan placed his hand on my thigh witch made me feel a bit save. "Forget it, you never listen to me anyway" He said. "R-right" I looked at my food. "Exuse me, I have to go to the bathroom" I got up and walked away.

I locked myself in one of the stalls in the bathroom. I can't believe him, why is he being so mean? It's like I'm invisible to him, or rather my feelings and opinions are. "Lil pup, you in here?" The door opened. "Y-yeah! I'm here" I wiped my tears away and unlocked the stall door. "There you are, you've got me worried there for a second" He came and hugged me. "Sorry Kacchan, I didn't mean to scare you" He patted my head. "It's fine pup" He smiled. "I think we should head back, your friends must be worried about you" He smiled at me. "That's a sentence I never thought I would hear" I chuckled. "Mhh, come on" He turned and held out his hand for me. I ofcourse took it and we went back to the cafeteria. Kacchan said that the told Nii-chan off so he won't be bothering us anymore, witch terrified me. What's he going to do to me now? I don't want him to be upset or mad. 

"Zuku~ you there hun?" Kendo placed they're arm on my shoulder. "A-ah y-yeah, s-sorry Kendo-chan" I smiled. "It's cool Zuku, now that your brother's gone we can relax~" They pulled me to the table. "Now you sit down in the middle, Bakuhoe can sit next to you and Toshi can sit on the other side of you" They smiled. "HAH?! THE FUCK YOU SHE DEVIL!" He yelled. "Ah- Kacchan, it's Kendo-chan's pronounc in Them/They" I said. "Whatever! You damn devil! I'll kill you!" He yelled at them. That's sweet of him. "Oh hush you, you know you want to anyway~" He huffed and sat down next to me. I chuckled at him and he looked at me. "Oh you think this is fucking funny lil pup?!" He pinched my cheek. "Ow~" I chuckled. "Well it's surtenly entertaining to watch" Neito said. "Neito help me~" I whined. "Sorry Zu your on your own" He smiled. "Neito you traitor~" I sighed. "Hey!" He shouted. "I'm kidding I swear!" I chuckled. "You little rat!" He jumped on me and started tickling me. "Stop it! It tickles!" I laughed. "Not until you apologize!" He said. "Fine fine! I'm sorry!" I chuckled. "I can't hear you!" He smiled. "I'm sorry Neito!" I giggled. "Your forgiving Zu~" He smiled and got up like nothing happened. "Hah~ feels good to win~" He smiled. "Pfft sure Neito" Tetsu smiled. Kacchan helped me up and back onto the chair. "Y'all goin to hell" Mei laughed. "Exuse me! For your information Mei, Zuku would definitely end up in heaven~" Neito smiled. "Ah, heaven?" I asked. "Yeah! Your super sweet!" He said. "Oh-" I couldn't help but laugh. "That's sweet of you Neito but I believe you all would definitely make it into heaven! No doubt!" I smiled. "See, to pure"  Mei said. "You all are just saying that!" I chuckled. The bell then rang, welp time to go. "Well see you guy's" Me and Toshi left and went to class.

Class wasn't interesting, we had a project to do and could go to the library. I didn't know this place had a library! It was hudge! "Don't get any ideas Izu" Toshi turned to me. "Hey! I wasn't even gonna say anything!" I crossed my arms. "You were thinking about it" He said. "Shut it Toshi!" I chuckled. "Come on let's get this project over with" He sat down at a chair near the computer. "This is gonna take a while" He sighed. We got started on the project and it was super exhausting. We decided to finish this in the dorms since we won't be able to finish it before the next class. "There we are, we'll continue later but now I'm ready for a nap" Toshi sighed. "Yeah me too" I layed down on my arms. Just then the bell rang. "Welp we've got Sensei Mic now" I got up. "Come on Toshi" I took his hand and dragged him out of the library. "Noo~ I'm to tired to~" He whined. "To bad. now let's go!"

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