Your the traitor?

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Izuku POV

I slowly woke up to be greeted by a pair of red eye's. "U-uh" I looked into his eye's unsure of what to do. He just started at me until his attention went to the door. Someone was knocking at the door loudly. "Who the fuck is that?" He got up. He opened the door and there stood Aayama-kun! "A-Aayama-kun?" I looked at him. "Shiggy why would you take the precious cinnamonroll!" He came to me and cup my cheeks. "What are you even doing here?!" He yelled suddenly. "Hush! Your scaring the cinnamonroll!" He scolded him. "A-Aayama-kun what are you doing here?! They're villains, they could hurt you!" He just chuckled. "Always put other's before yourself huh missouri" I smiled. "I'll be taking him with me before his brother kills anyone~"He said. "No way!" Shigaraki yelled. "And why's that Tumura?" He crossed his arms. "He still needs to give us information!" He yelled. "He just got there you dummy! He doesn't know anything about the school yet!" He yelled back.

In the end Aayama-kun won and took me back to UA. "Please don't tell anyone about this Kirishema, I don't have any bad intentions really! I've always wanted to-" I placed my hand on his arm. "It's okay Aayama-kun, I won't tell anyone don't worry" I smiled at him. He looked surprised but that soon turned into a soft smile. "Thank you missouri" He smiled.

"Toshi!" I yelled and ran to him. "Izu?!" He hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad your save" he smiled. "Izuku?!" Nii-chan? I turned my head around. "Nii-chan!" I hugged him. He hugged back and started to softly cry. "I was so worried" His grip tightened. "Did they hurt you? Did they touch you?" He pulled away and asked. "I'm fine Nii-chan, just happy to be back" I smiled. "Oi puppy!" Kacchan! I got out of Nii-chan's grip and turned to him. "Kacchan" he ruffled my hair. "How'd you escape that place" he asked. "Aayama-kun saved me. He scared the villain's and they ran away" I said. "Reasonable, he's fucking scary!" He said witch coused me to chuckled. 

Aayama-kun sticked with me like Toshi does. I've been thinking about what Shigaraki said about Toshi. Does he like me? Or does he really like someone else? We got dorms like Nii-chan and moved in the following week. Aayama-kun helped and Kacchan too! Toshi's room was like the one at his house, boring.

"Aayama-kun kan I aske you a question?" He turned around and nodded. "Go ahead missouri~" he smiled. "What kind of information do you have to give them?" I asked. "Like where we're going and like what we're planning to do, you know that kind of thing's" he smiled. "I know that it's wrong but it's the only way to save my parents" he said. "Don't worry Aayama-kun, we'll save your parents one day!" I smiled. "Thank you missouri" he smiled. "Isn't it past your bed time?" He asked. "What's that?" I asked. He was shocked? Why was he shocked? "Well goodnight then" he just went to my room.

Today is a Saturday so I slept in. I heard knocking on my door so I tiredly made my way to the door. "Yes?" I asked. "Oh! Goodmorning Kirishema! Sorry if we waked you" Libra-kun said. "It's fine *yawn* Libra-kun" I smiled. "The girl's wanted to go to the mall and was hoping the entire class would go" he said. "Oh~ sure!" I smiled. "Great! I'll go tell the girl's" he smiled then went off to the common room. I closed the door and got ready for the day. I wore my favorite oversized red ,Red Riot hoodie with my black jeans and red shoes. I sat down on the couch in the common room just looking around on my phone while I waited for the other's.

"Goodmorning Izu" Toshi sat next to me. "Goodmorning Toshi!" I smiled. "Are you going with the class?" He asked. "Yup~ I need a few thing's anyway" I chuckled. "Oh alright" he smiled. Soon everyone was ready so we made our way the the mall. Me and Toshi sticked together at all times. He insisted alright so I didn't really have a choice in this. "Let's go to that one over there!" He said dragging me to the store. "A coffee shop?" I looked at him. "I need some coffee" he said. "Alright" I smiled. After he got his coffee we went to a bench in the middle of the mall. "Hey Izu I have a question" he said. "Sure Toshi, go ahead" I smiled. "Would you support me if I was gay?" He asked. "I mean I'm pansexual so I can't really judge so yeah, why do you ask?" I asked him. "No reason!" He smiled. "But thanks Izu" he said. "Sure Toshi" I smiled at him.

I got the things I needed and waited for the other's to finish up. I was sitting on the bench once more while Toshi got us something to drink. Suddenly an hand was around mine with one finger off. I instantly turned my head towards the person. It was Shigaraki! "S-Shigaraki" I studdered. "Oh lovely of you to remember me" he chuckled. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked. "Just wondering around that's all" he smiled. His grip tightened slightly. "Agh- uh Toshi! Hey" I smiled nervously. "Who's this Izu?" He asked. He placed his arm around my neck. "I'm just one of his friends from middle school! I saw him here and decided to say hi" He smiled. "It's nice to meet you to but we have to get going, Izuku let's go" Toshi said in a serious tone. "O-ofcoures Toshi" He let me go and I got up. He grabbed my hand and started to roughly drag me to the other side of the mall. "T-Toshi, your pulling a-a bit rough" I said. "Come on Izuku let's go to the other's" he said completely ignoring me. "O-okay" I just fallowed him in silence. I looked back at Shigaraki who was still on the bench watching us leave.

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