Chapter Eight

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I jolted awake.
What felt like a second, I shot up out of my bed.
I looked down at myself, realizing that I was pant-less but had a T-shirt on that I didn't recognize. As quickly as before, I looked up towards my bed. Oh fuck. Shit! We did not.
I looked over as I saw Ryan sleeping peacefully. I watched as his chest slowly rose and fell with every breath he took. His long strands of hair covering half of his face.
"Oh my god." I muttered to myself. I felt my whole entire body go whomp.
Did we use protection? I mentally scratched my brain. I don't think we did.
That was my first time. Ever. I closed my eyes for a split second and remembering last nights events.
My face got hot, whole body chills.
After a moment of remembering Ryan's hands and mouth all over my body, I opened my eyes to see the exact man in my vision staring at me; arm bent to have his head rest upon his open palm.
As he smiled at me, I felt my whole body quiver. I cannot explain the feelings this man gives me.
"Good morning, gorgeous." He finally said out loud.
"Hi, uh. Good morning." I stumbled over my words.
I'm only half awake still, but more alert as he's waking up with me.
Looking at Ryan one last time, I covered my upper half of my body as I felt self conscious knowing that he was inside me just a few hours before.
Does this mean we're together?
Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?
I'm realizing slowly that my feelings for him definitely have been influenced from last night's events.
"C mere a second. I wanna hold you for a bit longer until your parents get up." Ryan raised his eyebrows and looked at me, holding his arms out.
Getting over my thoughts, I crawled back into bed with him.
A sigh of relief washed over me. I needed this.
"How did you sleep?" Ryan asked.
"I slept wonderfully by your side." I smiled. I'm pretty proud of myself for that comment as I'm not the one to really flirt.
"I'm glad." He nuzzled against my neck. I felt warm and safe in his arms.
Out of nowhere, I heard a slight knock on my bedroom door.
"Sweetie." I heard my mom on the other side. "Time to wake up. I'm getting breakfast ready for you guys." Then footsteps.
I got out of bed, and threw back on my pants. I don't know if my parents know that we hooked up.
Should I tell them?
I don't know what to do.
"Get out of bed." Smiling as I threw Ryan's pants towards his direction.
"I'm up." He laughed.
As soon as I got my pants on, I walked out of my room and towards the kitchen. My mom is making breakfast like she said moments earlier.
The smell of eggs wafted through my nose. As much as I hate the smells of eggs, they sure do taste good.
I looked around and realized that my dad was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's dad?" I asked my mom, confused.
"He's at work last I knew. His shifts changed again." I nodded as I remembered.
My dad works at a factory but the name is something I seem to never remember.
"Good morning, Mrs. Taylor." Ryan walked into the kitchen shortly after I did.
"No need to call me that. You can just call me Sarah." I could see her smiling as she was working on her eggs.
I looked over at Ryan again as he sat down next to me in our dining room.
I wonder what our kids would look like.
Wait. I can't think like that. Wouldn't it be too soon anyways? It was just last night.
"We're having omelettes and bacon for breakfast if you guys are curious." My mom distracted me from my thoughts.
"Sounds delicious, Sarah." Ryan replied, putting his arm over my shoulders. My mom walked over as she set the table and put down the food. I'm starving.
Though from the looks of me, you'd think I could be anorexic.
I mean, I'm skinny as a rail and pale. But man do I like to eat. Sometimes.
As we all are and sat in silence, I couldn't help but to think about my friend Ashley.
She herself is the same age as me but older by a few months. We've been friends since kindergarten.
I have to tell her what I did last night, I thought to myself. She'll hopefully be proud of me.
I looked at my phone while eating. I almost forgot that today was a school holiday for me still as I remembered that Ashley was still on vacation for a few more days.
""Yooo."" I texted her.
""What's up?"" She messaged me back pretty quickly.
How does one tell their best friend that they lost their virginity to the best looking man ever??
Oh my god.
""I might've done something last night.."" I texted back.
I knew she'd be nosy because she texted back the second I sent that text.
""I lost my v card..""
Immediately, my phone rang. Caller ID said it was Ashley.
"I'll be right back." I quickly glanced at Ryan and back at my phone as it rang.
"GURL. GIMME DETAILS. NOW. HOW WAS IT?" Ashley yelled into the phone.
I looked behind me into the kitchen, hoping nobody heard her.
"We didn't use protection. And I'm scared." I whispered.
"Shit, bro. You good?" She replied with concern in her voice.
"I don't know.." I whispered. "But I'll figure it out. I always do. Right?"
"You will. But I got to go. We're going to the beach. I'll talk to you later." She hung up the phone before I could even say anything.
"Everything okay?" My mom asked.
"Yea. I think so." I quickly looked away from her glance.
I could feel Ryan staring at me again.
I could feel my face getting really hot.
Suddenly, I felt a comforting hand rubbing against my leg. I looked down.
It was his hand caressing my inner thigh. My face must've gotten really red because I heard Ryan chuckle under his breath.
I looked over to see him looking at me with those "fuck me eyes."
I could feel thing's going on downstairs.
Him caressing my thigh didn't help my situation.
"Get a room, you two!" My mom's voice distracted me from my thoughts.
"My apologies, Sarah." Ryan looked towards my direction, caressing my thigh one more time before taking his hand away.
"I'll clean up breakfast. You two can do whatever." My mom said. I looked over at her. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. But that's just how she is.
"I can help if needed, mom" I replied.
"I promise I got it." She answered back. I looked over at her, cocking my head to the side. She seemed a little annoyed but not much I can do about that.
"Let's get a room." Ryan came towards me, holding my waist with his hands, whispering in my ear. "Round two?" He asked.
I could feel myself melting as he did this.
"Ye-yes." I stuttered.
As he grabbed my arm to direct me towards my room, I realized all those events from the past few days just disappeared from my mind; getting into trouble at school, self harming, the baptism. Everything.
Next thing I know he was on top of me and grabbing my face so I could look at him.
"Be a good girl for me and take off your clothes."

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