Chapter Three

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The next morning, I didn't have the motivation to get out of bed. I slowly got up like a vampire coming out of its coffin. I groaned and rubbed my hands all over my face and forehead. I guess I cried a little too hard because I felt horrible. I had a migraine, stuffy nose, and my skin felt like sandpaper.
I forced myself out of bed, regardless. Throwing on my slippers and robe, I walked past my mirror to view the ractchetness of how I looked from last nights events.
I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and headed downstairs.
Thank god it was only the weekend, though that didn't matter. I didn't have too much longer left of school til I joined virtual schooling, anyways.
"Good morning, Angel!" Mom was making French toast. Breakfast is always her favorite thing to make.
When I didn't say anything, she turned her way towards me.
"What?" I gave her a dirty look. I'm not in the mood.
"If you're going to be rude, you can stay in your room. You getting into trouble again depends on your mood, missy."
As I got up to walk in my room upstairs, I rolled my eyes so she could see. When I walked passed her, she snatched my phone out of my hands. I almost pleaded to get it back, but the look on her face said I shouldn't.
I stomped to my room and of course, I slammed my door.
I must've fallen asleep because I looked over at my clock which read four o' clock.
"Shit." I muttered. I rolled back into my bed, pillow over my face. As of on cue, my mom walked in.
"Hey hun." She slowly crept her way through my door and sat in my bed.
"Hey." I replied mid yawn.
"Do you remember what today is? I'm hoping you're in a better mood since this morning."
My eyes widened in realization. Mom chuckled at me. I honestly forgot.
Today, I finally get baptized.
When I was younger, we were going to do it then, but our pastor retired.
We decided to join a new church but nothing came up. Eventually, they just gave up and forgot about it. Recently, though, both my parents did find a new church with a willing pastor.
"Hey darlin'." Dad walked past my door. It looked like he already got dressed and ready for the day. Obviously, me and my mom have not gotten ready yet.
"Come on, get ready then we can head out." My mom stood up and went to her room.
For what felt like the tenth time today, I pushed myself out of bed.
After I showered, I looked at myself in the mirror. I examined my freckles in the fogged up mirror. I furrowed my brows in disgust as I realized my face was dry as the desert. Immediately, I lathered on moisturizer on my face, and felt better instantly.


"Are you ready, Angel?" I heard my parents call my name downstairs. I sighed. I really wasn't looking forward to this at all.
For a second, I got really close into the mirror to reapply my mascara.
Oddly, I'm very picky about my lashes.
I gave myself a quick look after applying what felt like a pound of mascara on my eyelashes.
"Damn" I whispered.
I thought I looked good with red and black plaid dress; it fit my curves in the best way possible.
"Angelica!" I heard once again.
My mom's voice startled me out of my thoughts.
I eventually dragged my feet through the halls and down the stairs to the kitchen.
My mom and dad both looked at me in awe. At least they're enjoying themselves, unlike me. I quickly walked passed them to grab my jacket and purse that was sitting in the counter near the refrigerator.
"Okay, I think we're all ready!" My dad exclaimed.
As we were driving towards our destination that was an hour away, I looked outside window longingly, dreading what was about to happen.
I'm so conflicted on this, but I already said yes, so there's no backing down now.
I must've dissociated really bad, because next thing I know, I heard a unfamiliar yet familiar voice and the lights got very bright.
"Well, hello Mr. and Mrs. Taylor!" The priest shook both my parents hands. Instantly, my anxiety rose.
"Good morning, priest!" My dad shook his hand in return.
The priest, whose name I honestly forgot, then turned his attention to me.
"I'm looking forward to bringing another soul to this church and of course into the hands of God." He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I was hoping I'm doing this for the right reasons.
After a bit of chit-chat between my parents and the minister, which felt like forever, we got to sit down in the church pews. Not gonna lie, though, the second that we got seated, I excused myself to the restroom.
I turned towards the mirror at my reflection, for maybe the third or fourth time today. Not sure why, but that's something I do; look at myself in the mirror if I can while I'm anxious.
I dug through my purse and picked up my phone and instantly dialed his number.
It immediately stated to ring.

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