Chapter One

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"Good morning and Happy Halloween everybody! On this Friday morning the highest will be forty five degrees. Dress warm and stay safe. Next on WGN 98.7."
I woke up in an alarm, ready to fight someone. Feeling stupid, I realized it was my radio station/alarm.
"Thanks, George Fitzgerald." I muttered. Sometimes our local radio reporter's voice irks me.
Next thing I know, the song "Ghostbusters" starts playing. Immediately, l turned my alarm off. Groaning, I got my little butt out of bed and into the shower. When I was done, I threw on my costume which was black tights, shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt. This year, I'm the character Eve Black from my favorite bands film Legion of the Black. I did my makeup grungy- like. Needless to say, I was pretty happy. I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs.
I practically ran into my mom.
"Oh honey, you almost gave me a heart attack." She grasped and held her hand to her chest.
"You're old enough to die anyway, mom." I stuck my tongue out at her.
We kinda have a love- hate relationship; me and my parents.
"Do you want eggs with your pancakes?"
"Yes. One will work." I replied.
I checked my phone and which read seven o clock. Plugging in my earbuds, the aroma of pancakes, bacon and eggs hit me. My mouth watered.
I dug into the food when it appeared in front of me. I ate like I haven't had an ounce of food in years. I looked up eventually to notice my mom was smiling at me. I took her rats nest of hair and semi wrinkled face with her vintage looking pajama's. Really, she's only in her late thirties but certain points of her face makes her look like she's thirty years older. Age doesn't go well on her side of the family.
Though, she's already the "grandma type." She will make you a lot of food for others before she decides to eat, like right now. Sometimes, it can be comforting other times not really. Today I just feel indifferent about it.
"I gotta go, mom."
She looked at me and smiled.
"Bye, honey. I love you."
I got up, put my dishes in the sink and embraced her in a hug.
"Love you too, mom."
I grabbed my keys and drove to school.
When I arrived, I noticed so many slutty, wacky and just random costumes. I scoffed in disgust. For some reason, my school won't do anything about it, even though some of the girls are pushing the dress code. Regardless, I got dirty looks in return. I sat down at a single table. Putting my stuff down, I just took in the environment. Some people noticed I was staring at them and gave me the nastiest looks. I paid attention to phone, humming to Motionless in White's song Underdog while scrolling through instagram.
I got to involved with that to not realize the first bell rang. I quickly got up and camouflaged with a group of students.
I never liked being around so many people. I ended up walking a bit faster to get to class. For some reason, that brought attention to me, resulting in getting more dirty looks. Whenever I get stared at for a long period of time, my stomach gets jittery and I feel dizzy. I dodged everyone the best I could.
I was in my seat in my first hour class; English with Mrs. Smith.
God, I hate her.
Just then, she walked in the classroom looking like a basic, " I'm a teacher give me respect" type of look; she was wearing black pants with a pastel yellow shirt, her hair was in a bun which looked like if she moved her eyebrows, the skin on her forehead will rip off. To top it off, she was wearing way too much makeup. The foundation looked caked on, her lipstick like a sticky paste. I cringe every time I see her. I shuddered in my seat.
"Alright kids, get your books out and read for a few minutes. We will start our lesson here soon."
I watched as everyone took out their books and start reading. I did the complete opposite. I took out my black binder that has everything in it to my paintings, drawings, some written stories and just a bunch of random stuff.
I started to draw something new. A girl laying in a field of sunflowers, looking relaxed. But the creepy twist was that she slit her wrists and a puddle of blood forming around her. Listening to music and drawing is my happy place. It was very quiet, which was nice.
Until I realized that someone decided to be a cunt and pull one of my earbuds right out of my ear.
That's the main thing that will make me snap.
I sat straight up, knocking my stuff down, ready to punch the perpetrator in the face.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Angelica, you are not allowed to listen to music and draw this - this rubbish when I already told you what to do."
I looked at her with my eyebrows all the way up to my forehead. Boy, did she push the wrong buttons.
"My art isn't rubbish, your classroom is!"
I was too mad to move to notice my classmates snickering.
"Go to the office right now. I'll follow you." Mrs. Smith fixed her glasses and grabbed my arm. After a lot of struggling, dragging and of course yelling, we finally got to the office.
I sat down in a chair closet to the door.
"Mr. Flanders, I'm having issues with one of my students." I leaned over enough to notice her face twist in a scowl.
Beyond that, I didn't pay attention to the madness.
Though, a kid from my class came in and brought my things back to me.
"Thanks." I whispered. I looked up at my classmate and smiled. He snickered at me. Fucking Jocks.
Mr. Flanders and Mrs. Smith came out together.
"We called your parents. Your mom will be here shortly to pick you up. What you do today was uncalled for. You need to respect your elders." Mr. Flanders said to me.
He crossed his arms and looked at me sternly.
I couldn't help but to chuckle a little bit.
"Uh huh. If she didn't rip my earbuds out of my ear, we wouldn't be here." I threw my hands in the air, frustrated.
Mr. Flanders sighed.
I crossed my arms over my chest and sunk down in my seat, scoffing at them both. Eventually they both left. I rolled my eyes.
Shortly after my mom came into the office, looking exhausted and annoyed.
She walked to the desk and signed me out.
"Can I at least take my car?" I asked when we were in the parking lot.
"I'll have your dad come get it."
I didn't want to cause an argument between us, so I just got into her car.
"I don't understand why you don't listen to your teachers, sometimes. Do I have to make sure your phone is at home before you leave?" My mom looked at me, scowling.
"No." I scowled back.
"We'll talk to your father."
Shortly after, she started the car and we were off. We didn't talk to the rest of the way home.
The second we pulled into the driveway I ran into my room, slamming the door behind me, throwing my stuff on the floor.
I just sat down on my bed and started crying out of frustration. I'm doing decent in school, my grades are above average. I just don't see the big deal.
Though, I have a feeling I never will.

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