Hope When It's All Gone Wrong

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"Have you ever had surgery to find out what's causing this, Siobhan?"


"Right.. Oak, call an ambulance. I'm gonna do an emergency surgery."

"Ok.. darling? How do you feel about this?"

"I don't care.. do something! It's.. ugh.. it's getting so much worse... ahh!"

"Okay, darling."

Oak strode over to the girls, who were looking so concerned, and called the ambulance. 

"Okay, Siobhan.. what's the pain up to now?"

"20.. I need to stand up."

"Uhh you shouldn't be.."

"I need to stand.. it's really sore lying here right now."

"Ok.. slowly. I'll be here to help, alright?"



Oak: hey! I need an ambulance for my fiancé. 

911: ok address?

Oak: *random wedding place* (It's 9.30 at night guys don't judge! I've got a headache...)

911: ok. What seems to be the problem 

Oak: my fiancé is having severe stomach pain and her Dr told me to call the ambulance.. she needs emergency surgery apparently. 

911: ok.. uhh what's yr phone number? 


"Nice and slow, Siobhan." Ollie smiled, holding Siobhan, who was standing, up.

"I feel horrible."

"Yeah.. I know.."


"Yes, sweetheart?"

Siobhan collapsed, hitting her head on the bed.

"Siobhan!" Oak and Ollie screamed. 

Oak x Siobhan RPWhere stories live. Discover now