"For a certain Fjerdan?" Zoya inquired.

Nina looked surprised as to how Zoya knew about him.

"He must be quite the slab of fur." She teased.

I think his name was Matthias. He was a Drüskelle and Nina was in love with him-even though she's Grisha-and someone had ratted out Matthias to the feds for being a Grisha smuggler and Drüskelle.

Nina had told me the story one night, while we were on a late night, evening walk.

"The offer is the offer." Tolya said, interrupting my recall of events a few nights ago. "Prince Nikolai is a man of his word.

It meant that we now had an agreement and if one of the parties was to break that agreement, that there would be great punishment.

Usually, it was just stealing money, scamming the person who broke your agreement, or, if they were unlucky, getting beat up, or even killed.

"But we need to go now if we're ever going to make it on time." Zoya stated.

"We're in." Kaz agreed.


I waited with Kaz, Jes and Wylan next to a vendor while we waited for the others to say their prayers to lost loved ones.

We'd arrived in Shu Han around a festival time, there were banners streaming across the narrow streets and decorations in shop windows and on vendor's carts.

"You know, it's bad luck not to honour the dead during Suntsa Sar." Tolya said to us.

"My apologies, but I didn't even grieve my parents death, I'm not going to honour it now." I responded.

It made me sound like a cold-hearted bitch, but it was easier for me this way.

Don't think about your parents, don't be sad. Don't be sad and I can focus on work.

"If I truly believed in luck, I'd be in less debt." Jesper scoffed.

"And I'm more concerned with the living." Kaz said, giving me a quick glance.

He always thought I didn't notice, but I do and I don't have the heart to tell him.

"Tend not to your ghosts and they will come back hungry." Tolya recited.

"The tea shop should be open now." Kaz said, completely ignoring Tolya's Shu scripture and walking over to the others.

"You two." He said to Nina and Inej. "We have a tea time to make."

The plan was for Nina and Kaz to ask the tea lady for yellow chrysanthemum tea, so she'd arrange a meeting with the contact they needed to get the blade. And it was my job to follow the tea lady and make sure she doesn't interfere and possibly even for some information.

"How do you think it tastes?" Nina asked Kaz.

I was perched on the roof, just out of sight, but close enough that I could still hear their conversation.

"Like tea." Kaz answered bluntly.

"Yes, but is it floral? Bitter? Mildly sweet with notes of buttery-"

"Warm. And wet."

I had to stifle a laugh. This was one of the funniest conversations I'd ever eavesdropped on.

Just then the tea lady arrived.

She poured them each a cup and had them dip a finger in it and touch their foreheads.

First she did it, then Nina. She looked to Kaz with an expectant look.

"We were hoping you could put us in contact with one of your clients, The Disciple." Nina said in Shu.

You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن