The two chat as they enter. But right now I'm not paying much attention.

...they didn't come here looking for me, right? because I'm not sure I'm going to be able to kill two supernatural beings.

After a few minutes of the two of them talking, I notice that the two of them don't seem to even notice my presence in the store. And considering the owner is out back at the moment, I might have to say something.

Well, whatever happens, I'll do my best to come out on top.

I keep reading, quietly. Right now I'm reading a very interesting book called "Martial Guide", it's a great book by an old martial artist here in Japan.

He talks about the various struggles he had in his life, the styles he has learned, and the life lessons he has learned-

"Excuse me?" A sweet voice calls to me, it seems that I was very absorbed in my book.

And considering there are only two people in the store besides me, it looks like I'll have to interact after all.

As I look up, I see the brunette calling out to me, she smiles when she sees that I'm now paying attention.

she then continues to speak.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but my friend over there is having trouble finding a manga, can you help us?"

I glance up behind her quickly and see the girl in question with her face turned away, no doubt embarrassed.

"Sure, why not."

I get up and go with the brunette to where the redhead is.

"So which manga are you looking for?" I ask smiling slightly, and considering they're in the Shonen ward, I'll probably know which one it is.

The girl came out of her shame, and looks at me,

huh, she looked at me weirdly for a second.

However, she soon speaks

"W-well, the problem is, I don't know the name. But is it one with ninjas?" She looks uncertain,

Hmm, she's probably talking about Moruto. It's not my favorite, but it's okay.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I know where it is, it's on the second floor of the store"

The girl's eyes sparkle with happiness for a second.


She then dashes to the stairs to look for the manga. Leaving me and her friend behind.

I chuckle, I have to admit I wasn't expecting an Otaku supernatural being.

The brunette that is next to me giggles and then looks back at me.

She extends her hand then.

"I'm Himejima Akeno, it's nice to meet you."

Looks like I can't escape anymore huh?

I shake Akeno's hand.

"Narumi Nathanael, but I prefer to be called Nathan."

She nods with a smile.

Well now that I'm interacting, It's better to make some friends along the way.

"So Himejima, you two are new around here?"

I gesture to the couch, gesturing for us to sit down, the girl looks a little surprised that I've started the conversation. After all, I look like a big introvert.

We sit down and she starts talking.

"Well I'm not, I lived nearby a while ago. But my friend Rias is new here so I'm taking her for a stroll by the town"

"Heh, by her reaction just now, just show her a manga and she will be satisfied with the trip." I smile, 

Otakus, at the same time easy and hard to please.

I know this because I am one obviously.

Akeno chuckles and shakes her head.

"Manga, Anime, figurines, or anything from Japan to be honest."

I laugh and before I can say anything, Rias appears.

"Akeno! Don't say things like that!"

The girl now has the manga she was looking for in her hands.

The brunette merely smiles slyly

A good half hour passed, and I grow to like both of them. They seem like good people.

Rias introduces herself to me properly and says she comes from Scotland... I slightly doubt that.

We talk a lot, and even though I can feel the magic coming from them they don't seem to be threats or anything like that.

Seeing the clock on the shop wall, I realize it's about time to go.

"Well, it's time for me to go," I say, interrupting the two talking back to each other.

The girls seem to be sad about it.

"Do you guys have phones? How about we exchange numbers?"

Their faces shine, especially Rias's. She sure isn't someone with many friends, it must be hard being a foreigner in another country.

And that's how I got two new friends.

[3 years and a few months later.]




And with that, the fight ends.

"Damn Nathan! That was a good one" I hear Sensei scream in the background, I roll my eyes and help my opponent to his feet.

I'm currently at the city dojo. Here they teach Karate and Muay Thai.

Both by different teachers of course.

And with the last Spar of the day over, I say goodbye to the dojo staff and head back home.

These last few years have been quite interesting.

Especially this year now. Where I joined a new school at the request of my dear friend Issei.

Kouh Academy, the biggest school in town, maybe the outskirts too.

Once a women-only school and college, it now also accepts men. Getting in was pretty easy actually, the test was smooth... for me at least.

Huh, it's already pretty dark. I stayed too long at the dojo again, dad's going to kill me-


As I walk through the empty, dark streets of Kouh, I feel a chill again.

It's one of those demons without a doubt.

During the last few years in Kuoh, I've noticed a greater appearance of supernatural beings. But the most common ones would be these strange demons. Many of them don't talk anything at all.

And others say very offensive things.

Now here comes the question. Do I go after the demon... or do I go home to lie down in my dear bed-


URh, and it looks like he's coming towards me.


This is my life I guess.

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