Kuoh Town

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The City of Kuoh.

A pretty big city in Japan. The place where I've been living my whole life.

This life at least.

My name is Nathanael Narumi, half Japanese and half American.

It's been 14 years since I woke up/since I was born into this world. 14 years since I was in that hall, where I received my creator's message...

And being quite honest. Things have been more amicable than imagined. Even if this town where my father and I live is a nest for the supernatural.

I momentarily pull my glasses up, arranging them on my face.

At the moment I find myself in Kuoh's park, calmly reading.

Sitting on a bench in one of the yards in the park.


I hear my dad sigh beside me.

"Son, why don't you go run around instead of reading?"

I just look at him from the corner of my eye.

"I Don't wanna. I haven't finished this book yet."

Narumi Hishiki, is a tall man, by Japanese standards, around 180cm. He has pale skin and black hair. His most notable feature would be his hazel eyes.

Which I inherited.

Hearing my answer my father simply chuckles and shakes his head at me.

"Well, at least you're not out there causing trouble like the kid next door."

Now that brings me a smile.

"You always talk bad about him, but he's not that annoying." I then close my book, talking to someone while reading is impolite.

"Last week I heard him yelling things that shouldn't be said by children Nathan. Please don't be like him." My dad looks me in the eyes, with a "serious" look... which I know is just a joke in the end.

"I'm already smart enough to understand what he's talking about Dad. But don't worry, I'm not a pervert like him."

This makes my dad break through his serious facade and start laughing.

He then ruffles my hair as he talks to me.

"Don't worry little man, I know how smart you are already. You're my pride and joy, you know?"

That makes me blush slightly.

"I know, but please don't keep saying that in public, it's embarrassing"

That's the kind of family program we usually have, going somewhere like this park, and just enjoying our time together. My dad works a lot, so he's not always home.

I am lucky to have been born into a loving family. Even if It's just my dad.

[Hours later, already at home.]

Now in my bed, ready to go to sleep. I can't help but think about that hallway again.

About my existence in general.

I'm not a normal human. And I doubt that's because of my father, or my mother.

I process information faster than a normal human. My physique is exceptional for a kid my age. The Sensei at the local dojo describes me as "A Millennial Prodigy"

And besides... I can faintly feel something... and I don't know what it is.

If I had to guess in the dark I'd say it's magic. Either that or some kind of Qi like in the manga I've read in the last few years.

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