Chapter 9: Planning

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As the ship takes me away from Sevastopol, I start to make plans. I know that I can't take on Weyland-Yutani alone, but I also know that I can't trust anyone who's associated with them.

I start to think about who I can turn to for help. The first person who comes to mind is Christopher Samuels, the android who helped me on Sevastopol.

I reach out to him, and he agrees to meet with me. We have a long conversation, where I tell him everything that's happened and what I plan to do next.

To my surprise, Samuels is on board. He tells me that he's seen the corruption and greed of Weyland-Yutani firsthand, and that he's ready to help me take them down.

But we're going to need more than just the two of us. We need a team, people who are willing to fight for what's right and take down the corporation once and for all.

I start to think about who else we can recruit. One name comes to mind: Ricardo.

Ricardo was my ally on Sevastopol, and he's proven himself to be brave and resourceful. I reach out to him, and he agrees to join our cause.

With Samuels and Ricardo by my side, we start to plan. We know that we need to gather evidence against Weyland-Yutani, but we also know that they're not going to make it easy for us.

We start to investigate, looking for any leads that could help us take down the corporation. We start to gather data and make contacts with people who might be able to help us.

It's a dangerous game, and we know that we're putting ourselves at risk. But we're determined to see this through, no matter what it takes.

As we continue to plan, I start to feel a sense of hope. For the first time in a long time, I feel like there's a chance to make a difference, to put an end to the madness that's taken over our lives.

I don't know what the future holds, but I do know one thing: I'm ready to fight.

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