Chapter 7: Alone in Space

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We're trapped on the Torrens with another Alien on board. We don't know how it got there, but we know that we have to get rid of it before we can leave Sevastopol.

We split up, trying to find the creature before it finds us. It's like a game of hide and seek, but with our lives on the line.

I make my way through the corridors, my heart racing. Every shadow looks like a potential hiding place for the Alien.

As I turn a corner, I come face-to-face with the creature. It's massive, with razor-sharp teeth and claws that look like they could tear through metal.

I try to run, but it's too fast. It catches me and slams me against the wall, its jaws snapping just inches from my face.

I'm out of options. I know that I have to get rid of the Alien, or it's going to kill me.

I remember the airlock. If I can get the Alien into it, I can eject it into space. It's a risky plan, but it's the only one I've got.

I make my way to the airlock, the Alien hot on my heels. It's like something out of a nightmare, its screeches echoing through the corridors.

I manage to get the airlock open and lure the creature inside. I hit the eject button and watch as the Alien is sucked out into space.

But then something strange happens. The airlock door won't close. I'm stuck, exposed to the vacuum of space.

I can feel the air being sucked out of my lungs, my body starting to freeze. I know that I'm going to die if I don't do something.

I remember the space suit. If I can get to it, maybe I can survive long enough to be rescued.

I make my way through the Torrens, struggling to stay conscious. Everything is fading, and I know that I'm running out of time.

Finally, I reach the space suit. I manage to get it on and activate the oxygen supply.

I'm alive, but just barely. I'm adrift in space, with no idea if anyone is going to find me.

But then I see a searchlight. It's a ship, coming to rescue me.

I don't know who they are or where they're taking me, but right now, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm alive, and that I have a chance to see my mother's message.

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