Chapter 6: The Nest

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We're running out of time. The reactor is about to explode, and we still haven't found the Alien. We know it's still on the loose, but we have no idea where it is.

As we make our way through the station, we hear strange noises coming from the vents. It sounds like there's something moving around in there, something big.

Suddenly, the vents above us start shaking. We run for cover as the Alien drops down from above, its jaws snapping at us.

We manage to avoid its attack and run deeper into the station. As we make our way through the corridors, we start to see signs of something even more disturbing.

There are eggs everywhere. Hundreds of them, all laid out in neat rows. It's clear that the Alien has been using Sevastopol as a breeding ground.

We realize that we've stumbled upon the Alien's nest. It's a terrifying sight, and we know we have to destroy it.

We start to plant charges around the nest, hoping that it will be enough to take out the Alien and its offspring. But then we hear a sound that makes our blood run cold.

It's the sound of Facehuggers. Dozens of them, all emerging from the eggs and scurrying towards us.

We fight them off as best we can, but they keep coming. They're fast and agile, and it's hard to get a clean shot.

Finally, we manage to plant the last of the charges. We set the timer and run for cover, hoping that we're far enough away when the explosion hits.

It's a massive blast, shaking the entire station. We can feel the heat even from where we're hiding.

As the smoke clears, we see that the nest is destroyed. But we don't see the Alien. We don't know if we managed to take it out, or if it's still out there somewhere, waiting for us.

We don't have time to dwell on it, though. The reactor is still going to explode, and we have to get out of Sevastopol before it does.

We make our way back to the Torrens, hoping that we can still make it out alive. But as we approach the ship, we realize that the danger isn't over yet.

There's another Alien on board. We don't know how it got there, but we do know one thing: we have to get rid of it before we can leave Sevastopol for good.

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