Chapter 2: Separation

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I can't believe I'm separated from Samuels and Taylor already. We were hit by debris while we were trying to spacewalk into Sevastopol, and now I'm alone.

I have to admit, it's a little scary being on my own in this mess. But I have a job to do, and I can't let anything stand in my way. I start exploring the station, trying to find a way to the flight recorder.

The corridors are a maze, and I feel like I'm going in circles. The only sounds I hear are my own footsteps and the distant hum of machinery. It's too quiet for comfort.

I try to stay calm and focused, reminding myself why I'm here. I need to find the flight recorder, and I need to find out what happened to my mother.

But the more I explore, the more I realize how dangerous this place is. The damage is worse than I thought, and the station is clearly not safe. I see signs of struggle everywhere, and it's clear that something terrible happened here.

I start to feel like I'm being watched. Every shadow makes me jump, and every creak in the metal makes my heart race. It's like there's something lurking just around the corner, waiting to pounce.

Finally, I find the flight recorder. It's in a room at the end of a long, dark corridor. The door is jammed, but I manage to pry it open.

As I pick up the recorder, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I found it. But the data is corrupted, and I'm no closer to finding out what happened to my mother.

I turn to leave the room, but then I hear a noise. It's a hissing sound, like a gas leak. I turn around, and that's when I see it. The Alien.

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