✩ Bass lessons - Duff Mckagan

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A/n: Saved the best for last ;) here's some Duff fluff. Also, lmk if you lot want anyone else like Mötley Crüe or idk, fucking Metallica or some shit. My requests are always open unless stated otherwise so send in any ideas because I'm open to pretty much everything❤️ Also, guess who finally learnt a new song on her bass after 2 months of not...? ME!!!
Word count: 448
Warnings: None


I grabbed a can of Cola each for me and my boyfriend, Duff. He was in his music room or as I called it, his playroom. I also grabbed us both a glass and filled them both with ice, then taking them to him.

"A can of cola for you, sir, and a can of cola for me," I grinned, placing the cans and glasses on the table. "Thank you," He said blankly, not turning his head from his bass. "What you doing?" I asked, sitting on the couch across from him. "Just playing around," he muttered. "Got anything good going?" I said. Trying to start a conversation with Duff is like using a chocolate teapot. Use fucking less. "Eh, not really,". What the fuck do you say to that? "I'm sure something will come to you soon," I said.
I went downstairs and sat on the sofa and put on Footloose, my favourite movie.

"Y/N?!" I heard Duff shout halfway through the movie. "YEAH?!" I shouted back. What an efficient way to have a conversation. "CAN YOU COME HERE?!" He yelled. I paused the movie, got off the sofa and went upstairs... again. "What's wrong, honey?" I asked. "Come here, I wanna teach you something," he replied, loosening his strap. I sat on his lap and he put the strap around us both. "Put your hand up here, and this finger here," he instructed, putting my hand on the neck of the bass and my finger on one of the chords. "Strum," he said lowly in my ear. I did as he said, proud of myself even though he told me how to do it. "Duff, I did it! Did you hear?" I beamed. "Yeah! Okay, next chord," he praised, moving my hand and fingers slightly. "Strum again,". "I think you could replace me in guns with a little practice," He chimed. "Liar," I laughed. "I'm not lying," he said. "Mhm, sure," I mumbled. "I'm gonna call Axl and tell him that you're replacing me," He said, pecking my neck every other word. I turned my head to him, pressing a kiss to his lips.

He taught e me the rest of the song which I found out halfway through was Sweet Child O Mine. "You're a natural," he praised, removing the bass from us. "Says you," I praised him back. Once we were free from the strap, I turned myself to the side on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you," He whispered on my lips. "I love you too," I whispered back. We joined in a heated kiss as he lifted me and carried me to our shared bedroom.

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