✩Valentine - Izzy Stradin

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A/n: First one shot!! Hope y'all enjoy! Also, I'm so excited to see 5sos later this year which is why I chose this song❤️ We're also gonna pretend it existed in the 80s. Link to the song is above❤️
Word count: 800
Warnings: Fluffy Izzy🫣🤭


"Jeff? Where is my red dress?" I shouted to my roommate. I was meant to be getting ready for a date with a guy Axl had set me up with but, for some reason, my dress I had bought was missing. "It's not in your closet?" He replied with a smirk evident in his voice. "Obviously not, dummy," I rolled my eyes. "Well I guess you can't go on that date then," he said, coming into my room with a grin on his face. "Jeff, please. It's not important to me but to Ax," I whined. "How many times have I told you you don't have to please him. Just stay home with me, we can watch cheesy movies, eat shit food that will shorten our lifespan and cuddle. Please," he asked, looking me in the eyes. "Jeffery Dean Isbell, give me that damn dress," I gritted my teeth at him. Yes, he's putting up a good offer but he's also pissing me off. "Nope, if you can find it, you can have it," He smirked. I rolled my eyes, looked at him and made a beeline for his bedroom on the other side of the house. Just as I was about to reach the door, he caught me and slung me over his shoulder. "JEFF! PUT ME DOWN!" I shouted. "No," he simply replied. That really is his favourite word. He carried me downstairs to the coat and shoe cupboard and shoved me in there. "You can stay locked into there until you agree to stay home with me," he insisted. "Izz, this is imprisonment. ITS ILLEGAL!" I screamed the last bit, pounding on the door. "Do I look like I care?" He stated. "I don't know. There's a door in the way of your face," I retorted. "And it's going to stay that way and locked until your little lover boy arrives here and I tell him you're not home. Or, you can tell him to not bother coming because you've changed your mind," he rambled. "Get me the damn phone then," I gave in.

I called my date and told him that I'm not very well and he should find someone else to take out, satisfying Izzy. "Happy, Cupid?" I sneered. "More than happy, Santa Claus," he laughed. "How am I Santa?" I protested. "Look in the mirror," he said. I stood up, looked at my reflection and say that I had a milk moustache and the cookie in my hand just added to it. "Oh," I laughed, sitting back down on the sofa. We had a record playing in the back while we were playing poker -our only bets being food and truths - so far, I had won 2 rounds and Izzy had won 5. Not that I'm bad at poker!
Just as we were about to deal the cards for the next round, my favourite song on the record came on. "I love this song!" I exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa and started dancing around the living room. I spun around, jumped about and walked back over to Izzy. "Dance with me," I said, holding my hand out to him. "No," he simply replied. "Too bad, because I wasn't asking," I said, yanking him up off the sofa. I resumed dancing around and he just stared at me. I could feel his eyes watching me. "What?" I questioned. "You're adorable," he replied, walking over to me. He turned me to face him, placed his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck while we danced around together. "Jump," he blurted. "What?" I said, confused. "Jump, I wanna hold you," he stated simply. I jumped up and he put his arms just under my ass, holding me safely. He started spinning us around and jumping about, slightly mocking me. "Careful, you're gonna drop me!" I laughed. "You'll be fine," he laughed back. I looked into his eyes and he stood still, looking back into my eyes. Ee both leaned in, our lips joining in a needy, passionate kiss. We both pulled away, being starved for air. "We just kissed," I confirmed. "That we did. There's a reason I didn't want you to go on that date tonight, Y/n," he said. "Because you want to kidnap me and murder me?" I joked. "Don't be a mood killer, you little shit. But no, I wanted to ask you something," he said. "Okay, ask away," I smiled at him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, like it was the last thing he'd get to say. "I- Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, you weirdo," I smiled. We kissed again, and again, and again. "God, I've waited for this," he smiled against my lips, carrying me over to the sofa. "Me too," I replied.

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