Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

          You quickly turn to check––you let out a sigh of relief when you see the other bite mark on the back of your shoulder is barely concealed beneath the seam of the dress's back. Couldn't exactly dance in front of the entire school with my professor's hickey showing. Your fingers press lightly on the mark, your middle flooding with warmth at the memory of his teeth in you.

          Three girls shriek behind you, "Y/n!" as they take you in. "Beautiful!" Amy exclaims. You blush and you all make your way downstairs to the hall. The students begin spilling into the Great Hall, gasping with 'ooh's' and 'ahs' at the to-do. Your friends find their dates as you enter the large room and gaze up at the bats and swooping ghosts. You catch the smell of good food and see an inordinate amount of it piled atop long tables lining the back wall.

          Your eyes scan the room, searching for him..."Y/n, you look great!" Peter says behind you. "Peter! I love this suit on you," your eyes take him in. He looks handsome and trim in his tailored suit. You both begin mingling with other students, each discussing their dresses, dates, and intentions for the evening. Suddenly gentle music fills the room, self-playing violins and cellos. "Shall we?" Peter asks, extending his hand to you. You smile and accept his hand as he pulls you into the sea of swirling couples.

          You weren't aware of a pair of dark orbs noticing you from the circle of professors mingling in the corner, going over the rules for chaperoning students. He sees you enter the room, your form exquisitely accentuated by the soft, draping material. His core tightens in desire at your delicate frame. He watches your eyes search the room, scanning the hall when a pesky boy catches your attention. He begins speaking with you and you smile and seem to give him a compliment. Severus' chest burns with a tightness he tries to swallow down with a gulp of elf wine. When the nuisance extends his arm to you and takes your hand in his, it's all he can do to keep from marching over there and beating the living daylights out of––

          "Can you do that, Severus?" the headmaster was suddenly asking. "Try to keep the students from dawdling inappropriately on the grounds? They are of course welcome to leave and do as they wish elsewhere, but it's school policy and we cannot afford another strike from the Ministry." Snape nods curtly, irritated at the interruption.

          Peter spins and sways with you to the upbeat orchestral theme, the amber-glowing room buzzing around you. He makes a quick jest, "Oi, look what you're missing out on! You sure you shouldn't have escorted him?" nodding his head toward Josh Philiman, the large, broad-shouldered quiddicth jock you turned down that was now stepping on his date's toes clumsily. You laugh and throw your head back watching the pair struggle to find their groove. You like Peter, he's very kind, genuine and funny. Suddenly the couples slow their pace with the changing music, nuzzling noses, their hands wandering a little further south than to Professor McGonagall's liking, her tsks and rapping wand on knuckles breaking the romantic tension between them. You can't help but scan the crowd for Severus, your hopeful eyes locking on every tall, dark-haired person in the room. You thought he would be here somewhere...

          Standing at the back of the hall, Snape tries to distract himself but his eyes are repeatedly drawn back to you as he feels the envy radiating from his core, watching the pesky little shit lace his hands around your waist. He clenches his teeth and breathes sharply, trying to contain himself. Luckily the lighting is so low that not many could see his harsh glare, thought it's not exactly uncharacteristic of him.

          Peter looks up past your shoulder and his eyes soften in a sweet fixation. You turn and see Rupert, mingling with some friends near the punch bowl. "Go ahead," you say gently. He returns your gaze questioningly, a look of awareness spreading across his face. You continue swaying. "How long have you known?" he asks. "A little over a year. Your secret is safe with me. It's for you to decide when and if you share that part of you with others, and just so you know...I've got your back if you do," you smile reassuringly up at him, and a look of relief sweeps across his face. "Really? You don't mind?" "Of course not! Go on you silly ninny," you release him and he makes his way to Rupert. The two share a gentle look and you see them disappear from the hall.

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