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A loud gasp echoed in the shared bedroom, followed by the one sleeping in the lower bed of two bunk beds jolting up. His eyes were wide as his mouth hung low. He was heaving for air as if someone was choking him in his sleep.

"What?" His roommate asked. "Another nightmare?" He questioned.

The other just nodded while gulping thickly and placing a hand on his hyperventilating chest.

That roommate kept inspecting his friend from afar while ruffling his short black fluffy and curly hair with the towel in his hand. He dropped the towel to his single bed and grabbed his black shirt to pull it down his bare torso. He then walked to the desk opposing the two bunk beds and leaned his back on it.

Crossing one arm over his buffed chest while allowing his free hand to play with his right earlobe which had a black rectangular earring, he talked. "Do you want to try a psychiatrist? I can ask Alana to recommend someone for you." He shrugged.

"Let's see. If it doesn't stop, I will do so." He uttered as he rubbed his face with his two hands, pushing his long hair out of his face to show his perfect side profile and his pointed nose. He ruffled his hair and then kicked his blanket to get out of bed. Just before he did so, a rounded hairy object dropped from the upper bed, making the still-startled boy, get startled even more.

"JESUS CHRIST!" He gasped, placing a hand on his chest once again. "I fucking told you to stop dangling like that from the upper bed, Han Jisung!" He yelled at his other roommate who was using the upper bed.

"And I told you to fucking stop being stubborn and listen to Sky, Lee Minho." Han Jisung backfired on his friend.

An audible sigh escaped their third roommate's lips. "Ji, when will you stop and act the slightest of a rational grown-up man?"

Jisung scoffed as he jumped down from his bed. "What's wrong with going to fortunetellers and psychics, Chan?" He looked from Chan to Minho. "I told you that Sky was freaking right and really precise regarding what she predicted for me!"

"What is precise about 'you'll meet your other half through music' for God's sake?" Minho whined.

"I met my Ana at the music room of the school I work at!" Jisung commented.

"Cause she's a music teacher, you stupid!" Chan sighed in defeat. "She'll sure be at a music room." He rolled his eyes and started walking away. "I don't even know how you managed to be a teacher, mathematics teacher on top of that, with that brain of yours. Whatever! Get up and shower while I see if there is something to eat for breakfast." Chan mumbled on his way out of the room.

"Dude," Jisung talked to Minho. "I swear she's got a point. I told her about your dreams and she said they might be something from your past life. Remaining memories."

"Stop the nonsense from early in the morning, Ji." Minho whined.

"Then why the hell do you keep seeing yourself with some unknown girl at an abandoned bus stop when it's raining heavily? Huh?"

Minho sighed. He didn't know. If he did, why would he be that confused? Those dreams had been haunting him for months now and playing the last strings of his sanity. Whenever he closes his eyes, he sees that girl's face.

"Let's just go get breakfast." Minho said before he stood up and walked out of the room to the living area of the shared house.

"Oh! You're up." The freckled boy with a lovely smile questioned once he spotted his two friends stepping out of their room. "I woke up early and was trying something new." He said, cocking his head towards the table in the middle of the room with different kinds of bakeries on it. He was even holding a plate with some kind of tarts. "Eat first and shower later." Felix motioned them to the table.

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