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"All done." Chan said as he stepped into the terrace with Alana and closed the door behind them. "We informed the hospital of her identity and they reported it. Her parents were called and they would be here soon."

The whole squad was on the terrace. After confirming that the girl was really Sora, they agreed on informing her parents. They deserved to know that their kid is alive even if she was in a coma with no signs of when she was coming back.

"So, you weren't crying that much because you are a crybaby?" Anastasia, who sat next to Jeongin, wrapping her arm around his while trying to comfort him, said. The boy was still lost and taken aback. "It was because of your soulmate?"

"Apparently." He answered shortly.

"Are you a Punished then?" Seungmin questioned. "Crying is your punishment, maybe?"

"I don't think so." Aria was the one to reply. "That doesn't seem to be a punishment. And if so, it doesn't make sense that his Healer is in a coma."

"Do you have a mark or something?" Sky asked Jeongin.

"No." He shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of."

"Maybe an item?" Jisung talked. "A ring, a necklace, a watch. Whatever it might be. Something that is connecting you to her." He shrugged.

"I don't think that's the case." Lilly crossed her arms as she leaned on the railings. "Some are just soulmates without any obvious mark or whatever. But I think they have something special. He can hear her voice inside his head." She pointed at Jeongin. "Sora, do you too hear hi-" Lilly paused, looked around, and knitted her brows. She then huffed. "Sora! Stop hiding and sulking. We know you are here so, show yourself up. Is that how you are going to treat us after we helped you with your parents and brought your soulmate to you?"

"Don't scold her!" Chris nudged Lilly. "It's obvious that the girl is shy to show up. She just found out that she has a soulmate. A cute one, too."

"He can't see her anyways." Lilly rolled her eyes.

"But he can hear her voice." Chris sighed. "Not all soulmates can control their feelings and hide them like you, Lil." He added bitterly before he walks away sulkily and goes to the bench facing the railings where Jeongin and Ana were seated and sat next to them.

"It's not that I'm sulking." Sora's voice echoed inside Jeongin's head, making the boy jolt and lift his head to look around, as if he would be able to see her. "I just feel odd. My body feels odd."

"What's odd? What's wrong with you?" Jeongin asked with obvious worriedness.

"She's here?" Ana asked Jeongin, earning a nod from him.

"I don't know. I feel weak at some times and very energetic at others. I find myself attached to my body and then I'm free to go wherever I want. Sometimes I feel pain in my chest and tightness that I can't even breathe." Sora said.

"You looked faint and disappeared a couple of times already." Lilly said.

"But you were quite visible earlier." Lino commented. "When Jeongin held your hand."

"I guess your bond is forming." Alana talked. "That's similar to what I and Chan experienced when he was still hibernated. He could feel my presence and I could feel his emotions inside my chest and that was really painful." She looked over her shoulder at Chan. "For both of us."

"Yeah, tell me about that." Chris mumbled under his breath but it didn't go unnoticed by Lilly.

"Okay!" Minho clapped his two hands, earning the attention of the whole squad. He stepped into the center of the terrace. "I'm really happy for you, Ayen, for finding your other half but right now, am I the only one thinking of how the hell she ended up in this coma and who did that to her?"

"Oh! That." Sora said. Lilly, Lino, and Chris could obviously see how her face twitched. She was remembering something painful. "It was a hit-and-run accident."

"What?" Chris gasped.

"Some drunk guy hit me with his car when I was on my way to Seoul Station. He stepped out of his car to check on me but thought I was dead. So, he pushed me down the side of the road and took all of my belongings. That's why I was never identified."

"The hell!" Lilly yelled. "He wasn't caught?"

"Yes. Good for him there was no CCTV in that area."

"Do you remember anything about him? His car brand, car plate, anything?" Chris asked.

"I know where he is already." She chuckled. "I followed him around for a month."

"Where is he?" Jeongin asked through his clenched teeth. It was obvious how angry he was. His veins were popping under his skin. His blood was boiling. Someone did hurt his soulmate. Not only did he hit her, but also he didn't ask for help and left her there, alone, hurt and bleeding.

"Don't care about him." Sora said. "He had already received a cruel punishment."

"What happened to him?" Lino asked.

"Right after the accident, he started seeing dark shadows. It turned out that those shadows are actually spirits of ghosts and wandering souls. But he didn't see them in their human forms. They were shadows in his eyes. Those shadows -including me- started torturing him till he couldn't handle it anymore. I gave up on following him after a month or so and started looking for someone to help me contact my parents, and when I came back for him, I found that he already took his own life. He was living hell for the past months."

"So, he died as a Punished." Chris commented. "Looks like he wasn't destined to be healed or forgiven."

"Wow! What a story!" Dabi scoffed. "Can somebody tell us what the hell are you talking about? We can't hear her like you, psychics!"

"I guess we'll be hearing that on our way." Chan said as he looked up from his phone and to Chris. "Your sister arrived safely. Shall we go?"

"Do I have to come with you?" Jeongin asked.

"You don't want to leave her side, right?" Chris asked him with a pitiful smile on his face. Jeongin nodded shyly. "I think she'll be coming with us." He looked at where Sora was standing. "Right, Sora?"

"Yes!" She answered right away. "I'm in this already. I mean, even before we come here I was with you all the way in Whitehorse when you were looking for answers."

"So, what do you think?" Chris asked Jeongin.

"Let's go." Jeongin said standing up.

They started leaving the terrace one by one, heading to Chan's penthouse to meet Chris's sister Jenna, and start planning how to save this world from falling apart for more.

Minho was about to step out when he heard a huff from behind him. He looked to find it was no one but Hyunjin. "What? Why are you being pouty and sulky?"

"It's just.." Hyunjin sighed. "Even Jeongin found his soulmate and here I am lonely as ever." He shrugged.

Minho scoffed. "You have me." He winked at Hyunjin, making the boy cringe and fake a gag.

Playful as always, Minho threw his arm around his friend's shoulder and pulled him outside to leave the hospital. Minho was sure that Hyunjin wasn't going to be lonely for long cause out there, somewhere, his soulmate existed. But for Minho, it was never going to be less lonesome. He once had a soulmate and he lost her.

Now he has nothing inside of him but emptiness.

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