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Lilly's breaths were heavy and audible. She just came down from another crying episode that she's been having for the past few days since Lino burst out on her. That day he left and didn't come back, didn't call or even text. Chris was still avoiding her. She was completely alone for those days, curled in her bed all time and crying out loud.

She just realized how she depended on them since she came back.

She just realized how wrong she was and how right Lino was.

True to his words, she shouldn't have come back.

Lilly lied to them. She didn't come back to fix whatever they did before, that was never her primary intention. She didn't want to pay for what they did. Actually, she was afraid. She was the biggest coward of them and that's why she ran away years ago and kept hiding and even cut connections. Because she was afraid.

She was afraid when she felt strange emotions inside her chest for the first time. She felt like crying when she had no reason to. She felt calm and sometimes giddy in situations that required anger. She felt unexplained pain in her chest when she didn't suffer from any disease. Later, when she started accepting her world and learning about how it was, she learned what emotions those were.

They weren't hers. They were his.

Her soulmate's emotions.

Although their bond wasn't fully formed, she could feel him strongly inside of her. He was in pain most of the time and that broke her heart into million pieces, but she couldn't do anything. She was already away. And she didn't want to give up to this strange bond. It scared her.

It scared her because she knew they would face the consequences of what they did. It scared her cause she felt they were being controlled by something else. It scared her because she knew they might get punished for the chaos they started because of being irresponsible. It scared her that among all of this oddness, she might lose him after giving up to this bond and acknowledging his presence as her other half because of how twisted this world was. And she couldn't bear that pain. She tasted painful loss once, and she wasn't ready to have another taste of it.

That's why Lilly ignored how the incomplete bond tortured both of them and how he was in pain. She told herself she was okay with only feeling his presence inside of her. It was the only thing that assured her. His emotions that flared inside her chest assured her even if they were pain or anger.

At some point, those emotions started to feel weaker. Their echo inside of her chest was fainter. That's when Lilly understood he was letting go of her slowly. That pained her, and almost killed her but it relieved her at the same time. He was moving on, she thought. And she promised herself to let go of him too. To let go of this stupid bond. Maybe after that, she would be able to reunite with her friends without being scared of what the bond might do to her.

But she couldn't fulfill those promises. She couldn't when she woke up one morning feeling extremely empty inside of her. As if he never existed. He vanished. The bond vanished and she panicked. Lilly didn't think twice before packing up and booking a ticket to Canada. Her nerves were ticking on her way to where he was. She didn't know if the bond just deteriorated or if something bad happened to him. What if he was sick? What if he was one of the hibernated? Why would the bond disappear completely like that?

All her worries subsided the moment her eyes fell on him while she was cornering The Ghost who held a girl captive. The moment their eyes met, she felt him bloom inside her once again. Her emotions and his were clashing inside her chest, driving her crazy. She did her best in keeping herself composed, but damn! She wanted to run into his arms so bad. She wanted to hold and hug him. She wanted to stay the closest to him. She wanted to never be separated from him once again.

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