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The adult Lilly was watching her teen self as she opened her eyes to see where she was standing. She was watching when the teen Lilly gasped out and dropped to her knees, not believing what she was seeing. The poor girl started shaking out of fear. The scene ahead of her was unbelievable. She was trembling as she looked around her, trying to work her brain. Trying to find out if that was a dream or reality.

She was totally thinking it was a dream, but a voice groaning from her side made her rethink her surroundings. Lilly looked at where the voice came from to find Chris sprawled on the floor, stirring in pain. She gathered all the strength she had in her body to crawl to where Chris was.

"Chris! Chris!" She panicked. "Are you okay?"

The boy groaned one more time and then opened his eyes. He looked at her then his face twitched in pain. "Lilly." He breathed heavily. "What happened? Did I pass out?"

"I-I- don't know-w." She stuttered. "I don't know where we are."

"What do you mean?" Chris pushed himself up and sat upright. "We are at the roofto- HOLY SHIT!" He gasped once he looked around. Chris's eyes widened as he took the place around them.

Lilly, who was scared to death, scooted closer to Chris and clung to his side, holding him tightly. The boy was as scared as she was but didn't waste any time in pulling her in his arms in a protective manner. Chris tried to stay calm and inspect his surroundings but there was nothing to inspect.

There was nothing.

Lilly and Chris were surrounded by complete darkness. Not normal darkness. It was pitch black as if they were in outer space. No sign of the rooftop and no sign of any houses or life. The hell they couldn't even see the ground they were sitting on. There was nothing to tell them where they were. There was no source of light around them and that made Chris wonder how they could see each other clearly. Nothing gave any clue of what happened to them and how they were teleported to this place. If it wasn't for their drenched bodies, Chris would've thought they were dreaming and nothing really happened earlier.

Looking up, down, right, and left was useless because there was really nothing. It was only him and her in this dark bubble. That's when something flashed in his mind and he flinched. "Lino! Where's Lino?" He yelled, making the already panicked Lilly panic even more.

Lilly pulled away from him to look around her frantically. Far, very far, she could spot something on the ground. "There!" She yelled. In a few seconds, they both were on their feet, running to their friend who was curled up against himself. Lilly dropped to her knees beside him. She grabbed the boy's limp body to shake it. "Lino! Wake up. Open your eyes. Please." She pleaded.

Chris turned the passed-out boy over and leaned down to check his breathing. He pulled away and started pinching different spots of the boy's skin. "Get a grip on yourself!" He scolded him.

As if Lino was alerted, he suddenly jerked up, gasping loudly, sitting upright and clenching his heaving chest. The poor boy started panting as if he was running miles. Lilly hugging him tightly wasn't helping his tight chest to recover.

"You're choking me, Lil." He patted her back, making the girl pull away. He looked at her to find her face a crying mess. She was sniffling cutely as she looked at his face. "Why are you crying?"

"I thought you were dead!" She yelled at his face and punched his chest.

"Ouch!" He groaned playfully. She didn't really hurt him. "Why would I be de-" He paused and looked around. "What the FUCK!"

"That's what I thought." Chris commented.

"No!" Lino cut him and pointed ahead of them. "What the actual fuck?"

Chris and Lilly turned around to look at where Lino was pointing. They both gasped and crawled back to be lined up with Lino who was between them. "WHAT THE FUCK!" They said in unison.

Ahead of them, there was a very high gate that wasn't there a few seconds before. The gate was a solid dark brown wooden one. It measured at least fifteen meters high. In the middle of it, there was an illuminating upside-down triangle. It looked as if it was carved inside the wood and the illumination came from the light on the other side of the gate.

"Where did that come from?" Lilly questioned.

"It wasn't there earlier." Chris added.

"And where is 'there'? Where are we?" Lino questioned.

"Let's find out." Chris said as he stood up to his feet. He extended his two hands to his friends and pulled them up with him.

The three of them faced the gate that was the only thing they could see. Hesitantly, Chris took one step forward, making sure to be the first one to face whatever that gate shielded. His two friends followed him closely as they kept taking steps closer to the gate. Chris stopped a few centimeters away from it, extending his arms at his sides to push his friends behind him. Glaring over his two shoulders, he gave him his warning not to step closer.

Chris breathed in and then, placed his two palms on the wood of the gate, ready to push it open and unleash whatever was behind it.

The adult Lilly followed them closely, knowing what was waiting for them but not able to stop them. She sighed and dropped her head, giving up to what was coming next.

Chris put all of his strength in his arms to push the gate. As it creaked open, the adult Lilly noticed a source of light coming from behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see what that source was.

Her eyes widened as they landed on it.

It was something she never noticed before.

It was something the teen Lilly and her friends never noticed before.

It was the reason why all the chaos had begun.

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