Both bheeshma and drona were unsure of what to say. That youth infront of them didn't cared to greet them. Yet he is from powerful place and himself a undefeatable warrior with dominant aura.

Harsh spoke up in a very calm formal tone, " Gangeyaa!!! "

Bheeshma instantly looks at him and harsh declares,

" The war charged by Udaysena!! None of the kuruvanshis are allowed to partake...This war is ours!!

The war between pandavas and kauravas are no more....

And Hriday is my soul....a scratch on him...I will burn down the entire world!! "

Bheeshma's eyes were out of socket and drona's state were nothing the situation turned upside down... Udaipur..... truly a mystery....
Their interference is intentional...they offering army and now taking over the war....a true conspiracy......

However the elder people became numb at the hardened gaze and aura of king of a man infront of them. Harsh states as if it is an order,

" Gangeyaa!! Let that elder brat of Dritarashtra  stay away from king of Anga's shibir!!

We healed him and he is under our he is our responsibility!!

Don't dare anyone of you to cross this provision set by empress herself!! "

With that in a speed of wind he got mounted on the horse and sped it away...all they could do was look each other.....


Gandhari's son along with his hundred brothers were camped outside the tent where that one person who happens to be their true strength and deceived by Indra were resting........ Suyodhan got to knew of the news of  his mitr getting recovered from the deadly injuries by the hardship of healers from the land of mystification.....

But the thing is that now kaurva camp got taken over by them....they kinda stopped dare...but what worst is he couldn't reach his mitr....all of his brothers tried...but some kind of energy making them feeble to cross the door....and he know why.... it's the empress.....

At the end all he got understood is Udaipur were offering their support was not for him or for kurus.... it's all somehow related with mitr....but how.....even mitr were strange with the kingdom ruled by a lady and fogged by Mayas......

A story is there behind all that happening around him and it is a tangled one....he have to solve the puzzle....but how?? No more he could leave it up to destiny or time......
Now meeting mitr is impossible that left him with only one option.....that trickster.....he hate to admit the fact that now only that yadava could help and save him from this dilemma.....

He will put aside the entitled ego and pride of him to get a clear picture....what he heard was that boy from Udaipur is majestic and unbeatable in a cub of lion....and arjun's yadava friend is not there to assist him....make sense cause rumors says Dwarka and Udaipur are allied......

Anyway he favors the side of udaipur.... because at the end they fighting with his enemies and this war is raged for the injustice happened to adhiratnandan.....

LOVE PHANTASM Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora