Chapter 1: The Medal hero

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We see a devastating war with death and destruction all around with fallen knights and fire as everything and everyone are killed, whole armies were wipped out within a day and all plant life was turned into ashes.

We then see someone climb up a small hill. He was limping with blood dripping onto the floor, leaving a trail as he made it to the top to see the veiw of the massive world. He was taking heavy breaths as he slowly turn to see the destruction all around him.

He then reach into his pocket and pulled out what seemed like metal coins while on the other hand was a small circular device as he pulled out both items out and stare at them and then he spoke.

???: Y-You all may have won and defeated my army. a thousand years or more.......Either I will return....or someone will take over my place. AS THE KING OF DESIRE'S!!!!!!!!

He then throws the metal coins into the sky and then swipe them all with the circular device and seconds later there was a massive glow that covers up the whole battle zone as this light can be seen in the distances and then the lights vanished and then a huge coffin lands hard onto the ground with a huge thud as all the dead bodies were all gone and the only thing is left was a coffin which was taking to a place where no one will never find it ever again..........for now.



We see a library in the middle of a Morden age city and inside the library were people walking about and looking for a book to either read here, take it to read it at home or study for work or for school.

Everything seemed to be peaceful and calm as we cut to a group of middle school children listening to a young boy reading a fantasy children book to the kids as they listen him read.

???: (smile) Then the four heroes defeated the evil monsters and save the world. The End.

He close the book as the children cheered and clap while we see the young boy as he place down the book beside him and smiled at the children. This boy's name is Y/n L/n, he travels around the world and just came to this city and to the library to get research another part of the world.

After the children left with their parents, Y/n walks over to the book shelf to place the book back onto the shelf which we see the title called "The Four heroes" as he slide the book in and let out a sigh.

Y/n: (smile) Well that was fun reading a story time to some kids. Now then, back to what I was looking for.

He scan through a book he was looking for. However he find it hard to find one as he keeps looking for a book but no sign. He searches the book for a while and he couldn't find it.

Y/n: Damn I've been searching for who knows how long and I couldn't find a book about the world. It has to be here somewhere?

He was facing away a shlef behind him so when a book dropped behind him he jumped a bit and turn to see a book on the ground. He pick it up and look at the title that said "The Metal Hero."

Y/n: The Metal Hero? The writing looks similar to the four Hero book I've just read. Wonder if this is similar.

He decided to open the book and read through as he flip over the page as he read through the story.

Y/n: "Once apon of time there were once four heroes that fought side by side, fighting to save the world against evil monsters and threats alike." Huh, guess this is the sequel to the other book. "But then one Hero, the shield hero was said to one day to become villain and should not be trusted due to the prophecy. And so, the three heroes including the King and the citizens of the kingdom banished the Shield hero and thus, the four heroes was split apart because of it. However hope will come as a new hero will come to bring the heroes together and defeat the great evil and that hero is-"

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