Chapter Seventeen - Dance Dance Infiltration

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On the day of the Dance, Sasuke makes his way to the ballroom where the Dance was being held. As he approaches door, Sasuke sighs in annoyance. When he enters the ballroom, Sasuke was greeted by Yang.

Yang: Hey, Sasuke! Welcome to the Dance!

Sasuke nods to Yang as he walks into the ballroom. As Sasuke enters the ballroom, he looks around to see the entire room packed with people having fun. He sees Blake attending the Dance who was seen talking to Sun. Every student was in attendance. Being in this kind of environment took Sasuke aback. It wasn't long before Sasuke was approached by Ruby. 

Ruby: Sasuke! You made it! 

Sasuke: Did you not think I would come?

Ruby: I mean....maybe a little. 

Sasuke: I only came here so that you would leave me alone.

Ruby: Well...regardless, I'm glad you came. 

Sasuke looked around at the ballroom. He could tell that Ruby and the others put a lot of work into this. As he looks around, he turned to Ruby. 

Sasuke: You and the others did....good work on this dance. 

Ruby: T...thanks, Sasuke. Wouldn't want to disappoint our peers!

As the dance continued, Emerald and Mercury entered the ballroom while Cinder was no where to be seen. During all this, Sasuke looked over the dance. He glanced over to see a dance routine from Team JNPR. Sasuke was puzzled to see Jaune wearing a dress. But at this point, Sasuke simply stopped asking questions about the eccentricities of his classmates. As all of this happened, Emerald spoke with Cinder via communicators.

Emerald: It appears all the dancers have partners.

Cinder(Communicator): How long do I have?

Mercury: You should probably be home by midnight, to be safe.

Meanwhile outside the Vale CCT Tower, a disguised Cinder stealthily enters the building. Back at the ballroom, Ruby decided to talk a walk outside. As Ruby walked outside, to see an unconscious guard. Without hesitation, Ruby enters the CCT Tower. At the same time back in the ballroom, Sasuke decides to walk outside for some fresh air. As Sasuke leans over the balcony. he spots a black crow perched upon a streetlight. As the crow caws at Sasuke, he immediately becomes concerned. 

Sasuke: (A that.....)

When Sasuke blinks, the crow was gone. Sasuke looked around for any signs of the crow. Sasuke even used his Sharingan in an attempt to find the crow. As Sasuke looks around for the crow, he sees Ruby heading towards the Tower.

Sasuke: Ruby? 

Without hesitation, Sasuke follows Ruby. Inside the tower, Cinder makes her way to the console controls to the tower. As she uploads a program into the console, she is contacted by Emerald and Mercury.

Emerald(Communicator): A party guest is leaving.

Cinder: Which one?

Emerald(Communicator): Ironwood.

Mercury(Communicator): I guess the general's had enough fun for one night. Should we intervene?

As Mercury said that, the upload was finished.

Cinder: No. We're done here..

With that, Cinder leaves the Tower. As Cinder does so, she begins making her exit, but is suddenly caught by Ruby.

Ruby: Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that...

Cinder began attacking Ruby by using Dust to form glass crystals and blasts them at Ruby. A brawl broke out between Cinder and Ruby. During the fighting, Cinder gains the upper on Ruby. However, several Kunai are thrown at Cinder, forcing her to retreat. Sasuke then joins Ruby's side. 

Sasuke: It seems we have a rat scurrying around in the dark.

As Sasuke attacks Cinder, she dodges and forms a bow. Cinder fires three arrows that explode on impact with the floor, Ruby gets pushed back and stumbles on her heels, but manages to hold her ground. One of the arrows flies towards Sasuke, but Sasuke dodges the arrow. Sasuke then charges at Cinder with a Chidori strike. When Sasuke got close, Cinder was able to parry Sasuke's attack. As Sasuke moves to strike Cinder with his sword, Cinder blocks it with her bow. Cinder then moves her bow to aim at Sasuke. Cinder then seizes the opportunity to fire an arrow at Sasuke. The explosion blasts Sasuke back several feet. Seizing the opportunity, Cinder runs off. As Ruby regains her footing, she checks on Sasuke.

Ruby: Sasuke! 

After a moment, Sasuke gets back on his feet. 

Sasuke: The woman.....did she....

Ruby: She got away. 

After that, Ironwood arrives at the scene. In a hallway, Cinder discards two bracelets and her mask to change from her stealth suit into a black dress and enters the dance. Two guards following her crush the bracelets underfoot and are visibly confused at the sight of the crowded dance hall. As Cinder approaches Emerald and Mercury, she speaks with them.

Mercury: And how's your night been?

Cinder: Mmm... a little more exciting than expected.

Mercury: Should we be worried?

Cinder: Hardly... They'll be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for. 

Emerald: And what about Itachi? 

Cinder: Don't worry about Itachi. He's right where he needs to be. 

Cinder then glances over to a nearby window. Perched on a tree in front of the window to see the very same crow that Sasuke had spotted earlier. A sinister smile soon falls on Cinder's face. 

Mercury: So then what now?

Cinder: Enjoy the rest of the night. After all, it is a party.

With that, Cinder and her allies completed the first stage of their plans for their master. The infiltration was a success. But what no one realized was that a new player would emerge from the shadows. 

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