Chapter Nine - The Stray

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As the Vytal Festival draws near, all of Vale prepares for the occasion. One day, Sasuke was training when he was approached by Team RWBY.

Sasuke: Do you need something?

Ruby: The team and I are going to the docks. You wanna come with us?

Sasuke: And why would I do that?

Weiss: Because you need to work on your social skills! You can't sit back in your room all day training!

Yang: Plus, maybe we can help you on your....brooding. 

At this point, Sasuke becomes annoyed. Before he could walk away, Blake steps in.

Blake: Maybe we should leave Sasuke alone. It's clear that he wants to be.....

Sasuke: Left alone. 

Weiss: Nonsense! He is coming with us and that is that!

At this point, Sasuke was dragged along by the members of Team RWBY. Fighting back at first, Sasuke eventually relents and join Team RWBY as they leave Beacon and walk the streets of Vale.

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!

Ruby: I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out...

Weiss: How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!

Yang: You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring.

Sasuke: This is a waste of my time.

Weiss: Quiet you!

Sasuke says nothing as he groans in annoyance.

Yang: Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?

Ruby: Ugh, they smell like fish!

Weiss: I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!

Blake: She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: You can't prove that!

As Weiss said that, Ruby caught a glimpse of a Dust Shop which had been robbed recently. Immediately, she remembered how she was caught in the middle of a robbery at the From Dust Till Dawn by Roman Torchwick.

As they overheard the detectives talk about the crime scene, they learn that the money was left untouched. Soon enough, the White Fang was mentioned.

Weiss: Hmph! The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates!

As Weiss said that, Blake became hostile.

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.

Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus.

Weiss: Misguided? They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!

Blake: So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!

Ruby: Hmm... Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago... Maybe it was him.

It soon became clear that Weiss's hatred of the White Fang ran much deeper than at first glance. Blake's anger began to boil over as she seemed visibly offended by Weiss's words. Sasuke could see the anger swelling within both Blake and Weiss Suddenly, a scene occurs on the boat.

Sailor: Hey, stop that Faunus!

As the sailor says that, a Monkey Faunus is seen running down the length of the boat and leaping on to the edge as the two sailors are about to apprehend him.

???: Thanks for the ride, guys! Haha!

Sailor: You no-good stowaway!

???: Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught! I'm a great stowaway!

The Monkey Faunus soon made his getaway as he ran from both the sailors and the detectives who heard the commotion.

Yang: Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes...

Weiss: Quick! We have to observe him!

With that, Sasuke and Team RWBY began to chase after the Monkey Faunus. The Monkey Faunus was able to get away much to Weiss's frustration as she had bumped into a smiling girl.

Weiss: No! He got away!

As Weiss got up, she addressed the girl who was still on the ground.

Ruby: Um... hello.

Yang: Are you... okay?

???: I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking. My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Ruby: Hi Penny. I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Oh I'm Yang by the way.

Penny soon glances over to Sasuke who doesn't introduce himself. 

Ruby: That's Sasuke. Sorry. He uh...he's not much of a people person.

Penny: How wonderful to meet you all! I hope we can all be great friends!

 Soon enough, Penny went on her way, sparking a strange relationship with the group, specifically Ruby.

Weiss: Now where were we? That filthy Faunus couldn't have gotten far.

Blake: Why do you keep saying that?! Stop calling him a rapscallion! Stop calling him a degenerate! He's a person!

Weiss: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or this lamppost as a lamppost?

Sasuke could see that Weiss's apparent hatred of the Faunus deeply angered Blake. It was a rage that Sasuke was all too familiar with.

Weiss: He clearly broke the law. Give him time; he'll probably join up with those other Faunus in the White Fang!

Blake: You ignorant little brat!

As Blake lashed out, everyone was shocked.

Weiss: How dare you talk to me like that! I am your teammate!

Blake: You're a judgmental little girl! The mere fact that you would sort that Faunus boy with a terrorist group solely based on his species makes you just as much of a scoundrel as you believe him to be!

Yang: Um, I think we should probably go...

At that point, things reached a boiling point between Blake and Weiss and the issue of the White Fang as well as the Faunus in general drove a wedge between the two. In a moment of anger, Blake reveals something.

Blake: Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!

As Blake said that, she realized what she said and looked around her teammates with shame in her eyes.

Blake: I...I....

Blake panics and runs from the group with inhuman speed. In that moment, Blake had revealed herself as both a Faunus and a former member of the White Fang. This revelation would take time for everyone to process as Blake was given time to reflect on it all. 

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