18.0 || Split. ||

Start from the beginning

Abruptly, D'Arby's Stand appears behind him.

Joseph raised a brow, "Huh!? He brought out his Stand?!"

"We haven't seen this in a while, a Stand user who actually shows their Stand willingly." Avdol added and you successfully moved him out of the way.

Copycat's eyes turned a dark purple. "Either he's a confident idiot or has a Stand so powerful that it wouldn't matter if it was copied or not."

D'Arby glanced at the feline, "Copy all you want, you'll soon be on our side. So who shall be my first opponent?"

You blinked, "Wait..what did he just say?"

"Ugh forget that, Jotaro take him down!" Polnareff instructed pointing his thumb down.
Jotaro approaches D'Arby as Star Platinum reveals.

"I bet your Star Platinum will first attack with his left arm." D'Arby's Stand pointed and Jotaro visibly paused at his seemingly correct bet.
"His first attack will be a punch thrown with his left arm. How much do you bet?"

"This is bullshit! It won't make a difference anyway. One punch is all it takes, do it! Just hit him already Jotaro!" Polnareff yelled.
Star Platinum punches with his right, but misses entirely.

"Woah he dodged!?" Joseph exclaimed and you looked away, starting to get tired of the repetitive stance of dealing with henchmen to get to Dio.

Nevertheless you stayed back because-

Well it was because...


Why did you?

Copycat suddenly jumped out of your arms and went behind the group looking up at a closed window. You were going to call out to the feline until a large purple pit open, dragging Jotaro down it.

"Curses! It was a trap!" Avdol yelled.

Joseph and Kakyoin summoned their Stands to try to pull him back.

"Y/n! A little help here?!" Joseph struggled.

"I know, I know!"
You summoned Copycat over as he transformed into Hierophant Green latching onto Joseph and Kakyoin.
Avdol and Polnareff began to pull you also until D'Arby came back up.

"Oh well since you're trying so hard, I suppose you two could join us."
He then yanked them in, causing you to lurch forward.
D'Arby's voice echoed in your ears, "I apologize but you aren't needed here."
You then felt Copycat detach from Kakyoin and Joseph, pushing you back out.

You landed on Polnareff and Avdol, scrambling to get up and get back to the still opened pit.
"Jotaro! Kakyoin! Mr. Joestar! "
Avdol held you back.

"Stop! It's too dangerous to go after them!"

"Avdol! Can you hear me?!" Joseph's voice echoed causing you to all pause.

"If you don't hear from us in ten minutes, torch that mansion!" The pit began to close, "Understand!? Burn it to the ground!"
It closed completely and you shrugged Avdol off, walking towards the exit.

You sat outside, frustrated on how you were separated so early on, yet completed nothing.
Polnareff followed after you but in rage, kicking a potted plant.

"We just wait ten minutes. Knowing them they'll be fine." Avdol reassured but he was just met with silence.


Five minutes had only passed yet it felt like five years.

Copycat kept disappearing and reappearing in front and behind you for two minutes, then on top of your head and on your shoulders for another two. Finally he ultimately stayed on your lap, making biscuits on your knee. You knew why of course, he was impatient. You were too.

A groan caused you to look over, "It's been six minutes can we just do it already? It'll probably drag Dio out too.." Polnareff mentioned, staring into the manor.

You chuckled dryly and got up, placing Copycat on your shoulder.
"And potentially burn Kakyoin, Jotaro and the Old man? I don't think so."

Avdol interjected, "But Mr. Joestar instru-"

"I could care less what he said or demanded, and honestly I have no idea why I'm listening to this crap and standing idle! You guys can stay here, but I'm going in." You told, walking past the two.

"Y/n! Don't be stupid we don't kno-"

You stopped, "Avdol,"

"There is a man who's tortured and ruined so many he probably couldn't be bothered to remember every person."
"I came here to save one and now I want to save so many more from what's to come." You turned to them with a thumbs up and smile.

"We will all be fine after this, don't worry about me. I'm the strongest, and the strongest always gets out on top!" You then turned around, walking into the weird labyrinth.


Polnareff walked in ready to go after your retreating figure, but Avdol held him back.
"Let her go. She's taken her path. We must wait."


"But nothing! Do you not trust her ability?" He questioned and Polnareff stopped.

Pol sighed, "If we get out of this alive, I'm making her treat us to a fancy dinner."

Avdol smiled and Iggy barked, "Yeah even though most of our meals are interrupted by you."

"Huh? What do you mean?"



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