Chapter 14

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When Stan had woken up, he found himself lying on his bed. He felt something soft squirm around in his hands a bit, causing him to come back to his senses. He felt himself come back to his senses a bit, opening his eyes up slowly. He opened his hand, finding the soft honeybee in his palm.

Stan smiled at it with half lidded eyes, petting its head gently with his finger once more.

"...How are you feeling, Stan?" The alternate questions, sitting at a chair beside Stan's bed as he holds onto one of his hands. "Here, I made something for her," He takes the honeybee from Stan's hand gently, setting her inside an aquarium sized cage. The cage was full of grass and the same flowers that were at Kyle's grave.

"Me...? Well, I guess I am feeling fine," He nodded his head slowly, rising up from the bed and met eyes with 'Kyle' again. "That's a pretty cool place for her to live... Thank you," He smiled.

"It was not a problem. Would you like to give her a name?" The curly haired boy asks, unable to hide a smile on his lips.

"Um... Jax. Her name is Jax," Stan gives a sad smile as he remembers who Kyle's favorite character was from Mortal Kombat, Jax.

"Jax...? Cute," The redhead nods with a soft smile. "Now... Let's talk about your trip with Kyle. Did you enjoy talking to him?" He questions.

Stan's eyes widen as he looks towards the alternate, thinking it was all just a dream. But it couldn't be, because be woke up with Jax in his palm.

"Um... It was sad. It was good, but sorrowful. A bittersweet kind of thing, if you will...," Stan frowned deeply, sighing.

"I knew everything that was running through your head. I am the reason that you were able to see him again," He sighs, thinking on it. "Stan. I could sense the anguish within yourself. You were not happy with where you were at. You did not seem happy with me. You were dissatisfied," EYX frowns and closes his eyes slowly. "...My heart, soul, and every single thing I hold within me, I give myself to you. So please, accept it. Please do not tell me that you have lost feelings. I fear my heart would break," He wipes a few tears from his eyes. "Stan, I mean it when I say I would do anything in the world to ensure your happiness. But it seems that you are leaning more towards the bee than the wasp...," The alternate frowns, feeling his ribs ache again. "Agh...," He winces.

"...Kyle, it's not true!" Stan shakes his head, pulling the alternate in close to him and drags him on the bed. "I love you. I really do. I just think that I felt as if I was confused yesterday. I haven't really been through anything like this before," The black haired boy shakes his head.

"If you truly love me, then why did you wish to murder me? You wanted to stab me. But I am telling you this now, Stan...," A shadow casts over his emerald eyes. "Even if you had tried to murder me, you are much too weak to even make a mark on me. Human strength, even the strongest of you, could not kill me. I did not want to break the news to you like this, Stan. But I could not lie to you," Kyle shakes his head.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I really do think I was delusional! It was not anything that you've done, Kyle. I just... Yesterday was a hard day for me. I didn't really have it in me to comprehend that my best friend really died. Brutally, too...," Stan's eyes drop, thinking about all of the events that had gone down. "Yesterday, the bee and the wasp taught me a lesson. They are the same, but different," He attempts to explain, watching Jax fly around in her cage. She seems content with her new home. "...They both have the same colors, yellow and black. They look similar, but they are very different. A honeybee will die if it stings you. A wasp can sting you over and over again and not die," He shakes his head.

"...A wasp is what I am to you? How disrespectful!" Tears stream down the alternate's face. "You call me violent, someone who has stung you?" His eyebrows narrow, and his eyes seem to almost glitch out a bit. They are merging into one large, black eye, before reverting back to two green ones. His head trembles a bit, and his teeth bite down hard.

"No, no, that's not what I am saying!" Stan shakes his head. "Yes, you are the wasp to me, but listen!" He takes hold of the alternate's hands. "Wasps are misunderstood. Most people imagine them to be aggressive, but they're not! They really are not that bad at all," He frowns once more, sighing as his eyes drop a bit.

"...Oh. Forgive me, then," The alternate's cheeks become highlighted in a sweet, pink blush.

"You are the wasp to me because you have stung me. You stung me right here," He moves one of the alternate's hands to his heart.

"...I did, didn't I?" The redhead's blush darkens a bit more. "Your heart is now contaminated with my venom... My love," He smiles, moving in closer to Stan.

The two's heads inch nearer and nearer to each other. Stan pulls the alternate in close to him, holding him in a close embrace.

The alternate wraps his arms around Stan tightly, and the two join each other in a passionate kiss. They hold each other in an embrace so sweet, their hearts beating loudly in their chests.

They pull away with a sweet smile, holding each other's hands.

EYX looks so lovestruck, his eyelids are dropped halfway and he has the sweetest smile on his face that Stan had ever seen.

"...Stan," He places a hand on the side of Stan's cheek.

"...Yeah?" The black haired boy questions.

"I want you to call me Wasp," He smiles sweetly.

"...Okay, I love you, Wasp," Stan grins, kissing him briefly.

"I love you too, Stan," Wasp coos.

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