Chapter 13

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"...Stan," A soft voice was heard, and a hand was placed at the side of Stan's cheek. It was much softer than the usual voice that Stan had been hearing from the alternate.

"Kyle...?" Stan questioned, opening his eyes up slowly. The last thing he had remembered was his vision slowly fading out to black, and passing out.

"It's okay, Stan," The voice speaks softly to him again.

The black haired boy rises up from the ground slowly, taking a gaze at where he was. Stan's eyes were met with the greenest grass he had ever seen, along with a breathtaking flower field that was full of all sorts of assorted colors. Many butterflies flew around the area, and it smelled fresh from all of the different kinds of flowers that surrounded him.

"...What is this place?" Stan asks quietly, rising up slowly and looks around his surroundings more.

"This place... It's, well... It's my home now," The voice sighs, taking a seat on a wooden bench swing.

Stan cannot believe what he sees once he looks at who the voice that was speaking to him belonged to.

Beautiful and full red curls, gorgeous, bright, emerald eyes, and freckled skin. He is wearing a white shirt along with white shorts and socks.

"K-Kyle, is that...," Stan cannot comprehend what he is seeing as he gazes at Kyle... The true Kyle.

The curly haired boy nods his head slowly. He looks around the place for a little bit before leaving the swing, looking Stan in the eyes.

"...I have been rehearsing what to say ever since I had woken up in this place. I have been waiting for you," He gives a saddened smile, a light breeze blowing through his hair. "I have been watching every step that you had taken, Stan. And I...," He gets a bit teary-eyed, though keeps a small smile. "I realized that you had fallen in love...," He adds.

Stan feels his heart sink at hearing the redhead say those last words so brokenly. He feels a pang of guilt enter his heart, and his eyes drop. "I... I am really not so sure about that anymore...," Stan shakes his head, wanting to jump into Kyle's arms more than anything and cry beside him. But he feels too guilty to do anything that drastic yet.

"It's okay, Stan. I am not upset with you. It was foolish of me to run into the road like that and not look," Kyle sighs, his eyes dropping a little bit as well. "I wasn't there to take care of you anymore. I'm not upset with your decision at all, because I understand it. Though... I have been yearning to see you again," He walks up to Stan, and takes his hands into his own, holding them gently. "...I will admit that I may have had a small crush on you," Kyle gives a sorrowful smile.

"I... I liked you too, Kyle. I think that is one of the biggest reasons as to why I fell in love with... Well, a monster," Stan frowns deeply, holding Kyle's hands while tears roll down his cheeks.

"I wish that you would have told me sooner," The redheaded boy frowns, retreating back to his bench swing and swings back and forth a few times. "I never found the courage within me to tell you myself. I suppose it is partly my fault too, huh?" He gives a saddened smile once more.

"No... I should have told you, Kyle. I am really sorry for everything that I have done. It feels like it's been eating me alive lately," Stan admits, taking a seat beside Kyle... The real Kyle.

"...When we were younger, I had always caught myself dreaming about our wedding. I had always wanted to walk down the aisle and see you at the end of it, smiling at me and waiting to take my hand as your own. Getting married was one of my biggest dreams, and well...," Kyle frowns, feeling his own heart ache as a few tears roll down his own cheeks. "I... I will never have that now, Stan. I was never able to achieve my dreams," He cries silently, wiping a few of his tears.

"...Kyle. I'm sorry that all of this happened to you. Your absence eats at me every day, and it's hard to keep on pushing through without you by my side. I miss you so much... More than I can even comprehend. More than I can put into words," Stan feels as if his heart has been torn in two as he turns his eyes to be met with Kyle's heartbroken expression.

"You... You know that honeybee you saw?" Kyle sniffles, sitting within the flower field.

"...Yeah?" Stan questions, taking a seat beside the curly haired boy.

"She was sent from me," Kyle sniffles, scooping up the exact same honeybee that Stan had seen earlier at Kyle's grave.

"Holy shit... Is that the same bee that I was met with earlier?" The black haired boy frowned deeply, gazing down at it.

"Yes... I wanted her to meet with you to send a message from me. That even though it is not physical, I am still always going to be by your side," Kyle brings his finger to the bee's head, caressing it gently.

"Oh, Kyle... I... I really am unsure of what to say now. I thought that she may have been sent from you, but I didn't know if things like that could actually happen...," Stan cries a little harder, feeling guilt well up in his heart.

"...Stan," Kyle frowns, looking towards the black haired boy as if heartbroken. He grabs onto one of Stan's hands, and places the bee inside, having Stan hold her gently. "She is a gift from me. Take her with you, she won't sting you," He frowns, getting up from Stan's side.

"...Thank you, Kyle. I will take good care of her," Stan nods his head, frowning.

"One more thing, before you leave...," The redhead stands beside Stan.

"...Yes?" Stan questions.

"I love you, Stan...," The redhead gives a sorrowful smile, placing a hand on Stan's cheek. "But...," He frowns. "You are not mine. Not anymore," He shakes his head. "I feel selfish for wishing I was the one by your side more than anything. But I am dead," He takes a seat on his bench again.

"Kyle...," Stan feels as if he is at a loss for words.

"...That is all that I wished to tell you. Now please, close your eyes and fall back to reality, where you belong," He frowns, pulling away from Stan for the last time.

Stan's vision faded out to black, and he felt as if he couldn't move anything in his body anymore. The conversations that he had with the real Kyle would haunt him for a long time...

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