Chapter 2

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Stan stares at the sight in horror. He backs up against his wall, seeing how bizarre Kyle was acting.

"Stan, it huuuurts...!!" Kyle cries in pain, holding onto his ribs. "Stan...!" He sounds extremely panicked as he reaches out for his best friend.

Stan shakes his head and bites his lower lip, feeling a large wave of stress come over him. He runs to the curly haired boy as quickly as possible, holding Kyle's hand tightly.

"It... Stan...," The redhead whimpers, tears falling down from his emerald eyes.

"What...? What is it, Kyle?" Stan frowns deeply, feeling as if it was all happening way too fast for him to comprehend it.

"It's... It's not me, Stan...," A high pitched wince escapes Kyle's throat, and he holds onto his best friend's hand with the little amount of strength that he had left.

"What... What do you mean that it's not you?!" Stan questions, tears forming in his cerulean eyes.

"It... It has...," The redhead seems to be struggling to speak. "Oh, Staaaan...!!!" He cries out before his hand goes limp, and falls onto Stan's bed. His eyes close shortly after.

The black haired boy's jaw drops in shock as he looks to his best friend in surprise. Stan carefully crawls over Kyle and presses his ear to his chest, listening for a heartbeat.


The rain crashed harder against Stan's window, and he moves his arms to hug onto the redhead tight. One last time, he thought to himself. He couldn't comprehend it much at all. But then...

The lights flickered on and off. Stan's window flew open from the strong winds of the storm, and his eyes widened as a cold breeze sent a shiver down his spine.

In that moment, a pair of arms hugged Stan's head close to its body.

Stan screamed in response, feeling frightened as he looked through Kyle in the pale moonlight.

He opened his eyes. He had a large smile on his face, but it was too large. His eyes were wide and his skin was pale. He looked almost more animal than human in that moment. Stan stumbled back and fell onto his dresser, scrambling to his feet as he grabbed a baseball bat in his hands.

"K-Kyle, this isn't a funny joke, dude...!" The black haired boy cries out, his heart pounding against his chest at about a thousand miles per hour.

"Stan... I'm okay, Stan. It is going to be okay, Stan," The redhead coos, inching nearer to Stan. He says his name so sweetly, but his figure says differently.

Has Kyle gone taller? What the hell has happened to him? These were a majority of the thoughts that brushed against Stan's mind.

The redhead locks the black haired boy's door before he walks closer to him, Stan frozen in his tracks. He pants heavily as a large thunderstruck is heard in the distance.

"It is me, Stan. It is me. I still have your trust, don't I?" Kyle sounds so sweet, but he doesn't look like it.

Kyle looks tall and skinny, so much to where his head is about to touch the ceiling. His arms have grown longer and his face continues to distort.

"This is death. This is where I am going to die," Stan thought to himself, sobbing as tears run down his face. "That thing is going to kill me! And I wasn't even able to say goodbye to my family!" Stan cries loudly, beginning to hyperventilate as he panics. A simple baseball bat would not be nearly enough to leave a mark on that thing. And then...

His doorknob was heard, someone trying to open it in a panic.

"Stan...? Stan!" It is his mother. Sharon heard his cries and came running as quickly as she could. "Stan, what is going on?!" She asks with an alarmed tone to her voice.

Just as Stan had thought he had a gleam of hope in trying times, his vision faded out to black. The last thing he saw was the horror placed in front of him that he once known as Kyle. He couldn't hear anything anymore either. He did not expect to see anything once he had awoken. If he ever will awaken, he thought.

And then it came. The chirping of birds was heard as Stan slowly opened up his eyes, trying to recall where he was. His sapphire eyes scan his room, everything light and seemingly normal. He groaned as he attempted to move again, before realizing where he was.

"Stan...?" The redhead questions. Bad memories instantly clouded Stan's head upon hearing Kyle's voice, and he looked frightened out of his mind.

"No... No!" The black haired boy shook his head in response. "You aren't Kyle, the real Kyle told me...!" He shakes his head while tears form in his eyes again. His window is open, to which fresh air fills his lungs.

"Stan...," The redhead frowns, petting Stan's head as he allows for the black haired boy's head to rest in his lap. "That is what you were screaming about? You were having such terrible nightmares last night. I tried to wake you up, but it was to nothing," Kyle frowns deeper, seeing how frightened Stan seemed to be. "What do you mean that I am not Kyle?" The redhead narrows his eyebrows.

"I... I was just told that you weren't you last night. As if you died and came back as someone else," Stan responded brokenly. He was not sure on what to believe was real and what was not.

"I don't know how you could have dreamt of such a thing, Stan. It sounds horrifying, but I assure you that it is not true. I held you tight last night. You were tossing and turning all over the place... I think you were having a night terror," Kyle's emerald eyes drop solemnly.

"Oh...," The black haired boy sighs as he gets up and looks Kyle in the eyes. Could he really imagine someone so sweet as the horror that was placed before him? He did not know.

"When do you have to go home, Ky?" Stan frowns as he looks towards the redhead. He does not know why, but he feels unsettled in the presence of his best friend.

"I don't know, Stan," The curly haired boy shakes his head. "Until you are okay," He sniffles, seemingly crying tears of his own.

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