Chapter 6

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The redhead carefully shut the front door behind him as he walked beside Stan, humming softly to himself.

"Did you sleep well last night, Stan?" He turns his eyes to meet with Stan's cerulean ones.

"Yes. I wasn't able to sleep very well the past few days, but I think that it went much better with you beside me," Stan blushes a bit, nervously grabbing onto Kyle's hand.

Kyle smiles at that, and a light blush dusts his cheeks as well. "I'm glad, Stan. I will remain by your side, I have decided," He intertwines his fingers within Stan's.

"Yeah... I'm glad," Stan smiles, walking beside the redheaded boy into the forest.

He did not prepare himself for the horror that would be shown upon him, as he felt something like none other beneath his feet.

A puddle of warm blood.

It was enough for Stan to feel sick as he backed up against a tree, his skin paling.

"W-What...? Kyle, what is this?!" His jaw drops in shock as he begins to gag a bit, trying his best to hold back throwing up on the ground.

"...Does it disturb you, Stan?" The redheaded boy questions, standing in the pile of blood as if it were no problem. No sense of disgrace came to his face at all.

"Yes, it disturbs me! People obviously died here!" The black haired boy nods his head, gazing around the forest. Blood is splattered all over the trees, rocks, and all over the ground beneath them.

"...Why, Stan?" A smile comes upon Kyle's face for about half of a second, fading quickly as he remains to an emotionless expression.

"Because people are dead! Meaning that there could be a danger nearby... Us," He suddenly pales, backing up further into the trees. "No... No, I understand it now. I understand it all too well," He starts to breathe in and out quickly, feeling every single bone within his body go weak.

"Understand what, Stan?" Kyle questions, tilting his head as his eyes begin to go a bit wide and his body twitches uncomfortably.

"You... You aren't Kyle," Stan shakes his head, taking shallow breaths in a panicked manner as he tries to escape. Without a word, Stan starts running as fast as he can, adrenaline kicking in and sending him into overdrive. He runs as fast as his feet can take him, away from who he once thought of as his best friend, possibly even more than that.

He ran as fast as his legs could take him, looking back often to ensure that he was not being followed. He would have cried for help, but he did not want to alert the curly haired boy of his screams.

Stan eventually reached a stream, unsure of if he should go in or not. The waters within it roared rapidly, and he bit his lower lip hard as he turned to look behind him.

Stan decided that he'd rather be a little injured than face death itself. The black haired boy dove straight into the stream, shivering at the frigid waters. What he did not know was that it led into a waterfall, which would result in a nasty fall full of both agony and injury.

His shirt had gotten snagged on a rock, forcing Stan to remain underwater. He started to panic even more, unable to catch any breaths below the water. He was splashing around violently, hoping to catch someone's attention in order to save his life.

Stan continued to struggle, winces and cries escaping his throat as he fought against the stream. He thought about Kyle and how he really, truly died that night. The bloodshed that was seen before Stan's eyes was all real, none of it was ever false.

He cried as he resisted the fact that he was soon to meet his demise as well, struggling beneath the frigid waters as water began to fill up in his lungs. He tried everything that he possibly could to escape, but it was never enough. No matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to save himself.

That was until he felt something grip around his waist, a large claw-like hand.

Stan screamed as loud as he could beneath the water, kicking and fighting against it with all of his remaining strength. He was eventually lifted from the water, coughing violently as he felt oxygen enter his lungs again.

Stan's lips were a light shade of blue at this time, a result of him not getting enough oxygen. He coughed harshly as he breathed in and out, until he found himself at the surface. His vision wasn't clear, but what he saw above him was something like none other.

It seemed to be reminiscent of Kyle. The warm sunbeams were shining from behind him, his eyes...

Wait, no. Eye. He only had one large eye that was taking about half of his face, it looked like an endless void on the inside. It was beautiful in an odd way, as if it was a portal to some otherworldly universe.

Stan continued to cough as he slowly came back to his consciousness, his eyes opening up slowly. He felt fearful of the creature that was over him, though his body was numb and he felt as if he could not move.

"You... Aren't Kyle," He said in a raspy tone, flipping over to his side to try and warm his trembling body.

"I am now," The creature responds, it's one eye splitting into two that mimicked Kyle's once more.

"No, you're not! You will never be the real Kyle!" Stan starts to cry, shaking his head. "Where did you even come from, anyway...?" He sniffles.

"I came from a completely different universe, and I felt that my calling was here. The Kyle you once knew is no more. I am Kyle now," The curly haired boy frowns, lying beside Stan. His arms are still long and disfigured, wet with the water that splashed on him while he had saved Stan.

"No you're not... You'll never be Kyle. Ever," Stan shakes his head, lying on his side. "Why don't you go find someone else's life to ruin?!" He pushes the creature back a bit.

"...No. I want to stay with you," A sad wince escapes 'Kyle's' throat. "Stan, I cannot leave you. You have taught me human emotion, and gifted me the ability to feel. Please do not hate me. I am sorry if I had upset you, but I also just saved your life. You would have drowned in there," 'Kyle' frowns.

"I... I know that you saved me. But part of me wishes that you didn't, because I would have been with my real best friend," Stan speaks softly, his body trembling from the cold.

"...It is not your time, Stan. It was Kyle's, unfortunately. But I believe it was fate that we met each other. I love you, Stan," He frowns, lying beside Stan and pulls him in close.

"...What are you doing?" Stan questions.

"Keeping you warm," 'Kyle' responds.

"Oh... Thank you," Stan feels his heartbeat rise in his chest.

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