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at the malfoy manor

"well..have u gotten your school supplies"narcissa asked as she sat next to her husband while draco sat next to his twin sister/brother "yes i did"hadrian said as he played with dracos hair a bit "what is your creature inheritance son?"hadrian only showed his wrist in response "nice"draco mumbled a bit "..lucius we have a meeting with the dark lord"narcissa mumbled only for lucius to hear who only nodded

"hadrian dear...come with me so i can get u dressed"narcissa mumbled as she walked towards the bedrooms followed by hadrian leaving lucius and draco "draco when u and your brother go to hogwards u need to protect him"lucius said giving his son a glare draco only scoffed and nodded

as narcissa lead hadrian to his bedroom she summoned dobby so he could bring hadrian a outfit while he does that she could dress hadrian in a better way "alright dear go shower i will wait for u"hadrian nodded as he walked in the bathroom to take a shower he knew what was happening but didnt bother saying or asking narcissa left for a short while

hadrians pov~

after my mother asked me to shower i saw her leave i ignored it as i started running the shower i got in enjoying the hot water i begin washing my hair shortly after i look at all my snake tattoos witch was 'pretty cool im a serpent queen..and when i meet my mate...'hadrian smirked at the thought of anyone touching his mate or even trying to kill him he would personally deal with them himself

hadrian gets out of the shower drying himself he puts on his robe and walks out "ah dear u done come sit here so i can do ur hair"narcissa said as she pointed to a sit hadrien walked and sat down as she begin to do his hair "im happy u got my hair"narcissa said as a small smile appear

hadrian gets out of the shower drying himself he puts on his robe and walks out "ah dear u done come sit here so i can do ur hair"narcissa said as she pointed to a sit hadrien walked and sat down as she begin to do his hair "im happy u got my hair...

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"now your clothes are on your bed change into them then come down we don't wanna be late love"hadrian nodded as he walked to grab his outfit he smirked as he seen the outfit it was perfect so he begin to change as his snake tattoos moved around a bit getting more comfy

"now your clothes are on your bed change into them then come down we don't wanna be late love"hadrian nodded as he walked to grab his outfit he smirked as he seen the outfit it was perfect so he begin to change as his snake tattoos moved around a ...

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hadrian walked down to where the rest of his family were catching their attention draco was shocked but impressed "are we sure i have a twin brother?"draco mumbled as lucius was lost at

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hadrian walked down to where the rest of his family were catching their attention draco was shocked but impressed "are we sure i have a twin brother?"draco mumbled as lucius was lost at

words narcissa smirked as she walked forward "lets go hadrian u can walk with draco"narcissa said as draco and hadrian walked to the burrow they left followed by narcissa and lucius

slytherin manor

as the four members appear they walk in catching everyone's attention even the darklords "forgive us my lord for our absences"lucius said as he bowed the dark lord didn't speak only

nodded as the malfoy family sat down the fourth person caught everyone's attention hadrian only smirked as he heard a hiss sound "ah you own a snake"hadrian asked as he looked at the

dark lord viper slithered from hadrians shoulder to his neck revealing herself draco smirked a lil at how stupid his brother is at times nigini slithered from her spot moving towards hadrian

catching the dark lords attention "lucius who is this" voldy said as he followed his snake with his eyes "my second son my lord"lucius said as he caught everyone's attention most of them whispered about it as nigini slithered wrapping herself around harry who stayed still allowing it

"everyone leave except u"voldy said as he pointed everyone didn't waist any time leaving except draco he was kinda scared for his brother but his mom took him out "i've come to u arent u happy"hadrian said as he stroked nigini scales "i don't even know who u are"tom said with a

death glare hadrian got up as he walked towards tom lifting his wrist he didn't like talking a lot if it meant repeating everything again tom smirked as he looked at hadrian who removed the

mask "im hadrian marvolo malfoy"hadrian said as he sat on toms lap who wrapped his arm around his waist "call me tom"he said after he pulled hadrian in a sweet lustful kiss

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