[17] - Us Two Against the World.

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The pair went on many more dates after that, spanning over the next two months, and eventually, Narrator felt the confidence he needed. Stanley was still at work when he came up with a plan. He was going to lead Stanley on a sort of treasure hunt. Whilst preparing, Curator appeared.

"Narrator, what are you doing?" She asked as Narrator bustled about with pieces of paper and little miscellaneous. Narrator turned quickly towards Curator, cutting straight to the chase.
"I'm in love with Stanley," He said, "And I want to.. 'ask him out'? Is that the correct terminology?"
Curator nodded, a smirk on her face, "Would you like some help?"

Narrator smiled, "Yes please. I just need to set some things up. I've already given Stanley's boss, Jim, the first note. He will give that to Stanley at the end of his day. So, we need to head to shop we were at on the first day. Then, to the park nearby. After that to the restaurant where we had our first date. Finally, back here at the house. Where I will be waiting."

Curator felt her heart melt, "And what was on the first note?"
Narrator stood up straight, going red slightly, "The first few lines of my favourite love poem. And a hint for the next location."

"And what poem is that?" Curator crossed her arms, looking at Narrator with curiosity.

"Letters From Yorkshire by Maura Dooley...." Narrator murmured, his face turning redder by the second.

Curator chuckled slowly, "That's a good one. Now, shall we head out?" Narrator nodded, throwing pins and the notes into the pocket of his jacket. Curator opened the door, and allowed Narrator to exit first, before closing and locking the door behind her.

The first place to stop at was the clothing shop Narrator and Stanley had been into on the first day. Once there, Narrator walked up to the tree next to it, pulled the note, and two pins, out of his pockets. He then pinned the note to the tree. Once done, they looked at their watch, and headed to the next spot. The park.

The park was full of children and their parents when they arrived, but Narrator didn't want to waste any time. Stanley would be leaving work soon, and so Narrator 'ran' up to Stanley's favourite frame in the park, the zip wire, and placed the note under the seat. No-one would think to look there, which was fun because it made it more difficult.

After that, Curator followed Narrator to the restaurant in the city, where he gave the note to Yancy, who had become close friends with Stanley and Narrator. After making sure that the note was secure in Yancy's pocket, and wasn't going to get food all over it, Narrator and Curator returned to the house.

Narrator tidied the house, before getting his yellow roses and blue cornflowers ready. Stanley was just finishing work as Narrator and Curator returned home, and so he began his hunt.

Stanley POV:

Work had just finished for Stanley, and he was just heading out of the building, when his boss Jim, called his name. At his bosses voice, Stanley turned to look at him, giving him a small wave. Jim smiled, and grabbed something from his pocket, "Someone came by today, and insisted that I give this to you." Jim handed over the piece of paper, and Stanley looked at it.

The writing was cursive and neat, writing out:

In February, digging his garden, planting potatoes
He saw the first lapwings return and came indoors to write to me.
Dressed in garments from the first shop, the suits and shirts lay hung on the tree.

It was obviously a poem of some sort. Stanley knew it was written by Narrator, the writing made that obvious. But 'Dressed in garments'? 'Hung on the tree'? We're those clues? Stanley thought they had to be. He signed a 'Thank You' to his boss, before leaving the office building. 'The first shop?'

A Story Finally Finished || The Stanley ParableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora