[1] - Loops (Prologue)

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Narrator watched as Stanley made his way towards the camera room again, but instead of progressing quickly with the story, like Narrator wanted, Stanley took as long as he wished. Upon reaching the camera room, for practically the thousandth time, Stanley sat down in one of the chairs, and closed his eyes. He was tired, obviously. As Stanley tried to nap, The Narrator listened to his thoughts, which did not calm down.
I just want out of here.. Stanley thought, letting emotions take over him, Why won't Narrator do anything to help me? Does he even care? Is he doing this for fun?

Narrator's heart dropped at Stanley's words. He tried to speak, but his voice wouldn't work. He mustered up the courage he needed, and spoke up, "Stanley.. I didn't know you felt this way.. Believe me, I've been trying to find a way out, I have. It's difficult. Just rest easy, knowing I'm trying my best, and that I am here. I won't leave. I can't leave."
Stanley opened his eyes for a minute, and smiled. Thank you.. He thought, knowing The Narrator would hear, and he dozed off to sleep, in quite an uncomfortable position.
Narrator watched as Stanley nodded off to sleep, and as soon as he had done, the disembodied voice got to work.

Narrator POV:

Narrator rustled his papers, and moved his wirey, greying hair out of his eyes, before pulling out his pen, and placing the used paper aside. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a fresh pile of paper. Even he still wondered how he could do this. Being only a voice with a body no one else can see, it can be a bit strange. Narrator began thinking of ways he could remember what happened during or after a reset. He knew he lost his memory, but he didn't want that. He wanted control of his memories, like Stanley.

He remembered one time, the first time he met Stanley. When he went to the Mind Control Room, and turned on the machine, by accident. Stanley didn't know what to do, and Narrator was angry. He watched as the timer ticked away, and Stanley running about helplessly. But once the nukes arrived, Narrator and Stanley appeared back in the office. Stanley was still traumatised from the experience, but Narrator learned to block out his emotions a while ago.

They get in the way of his 'job'.

Anyways, The Narrator spent hours upon hours over the next few days trying to figure out what to do. Stanley wandered, not doing much, not progressing in any way. Narrator didn't narrate, unless he had to, and spent ages in his little space just researching, and racking his brain for any memories from the past.

When The Narrator awoke back in Stanley's office after his first encounter, he insisted that the previous events were a dream, and he continued to narrate, thinking nothing of it. Nothing else had occurred to him, not as he knew of, anyways. Although, Stanley remembered everything. Every ending, every line of narration. He thought of these daily, as he walked about in his office block.

Many more days passed without progression, until one night, whilst Stanley was trying to sleep. Narrator was rustling his papers, moving them from side to side, trying to make room for the new papers, when Stanley began to stir, catching Narrator's attention. Although he did not wake, Stanley twitched and gasped, as he slept on the makeshift bed.

Narrator, concerned, peered into Stanley's mind, hoping to not be intruding. He could not see anything, but he heard everything. It repeats. Stanley.. It repeats. You're not going to escape. It is your job to stay here. Narrator won't help you. He's doing this for him. You remember what he said, yes?
"I'm doing this for me."
Narrator winced. He didn't remember when he had said this. Not yet anyways. Nonetheless, he continued to listen. The last thing that he heard,

Just give up Stanley.

671 Words ✔︎

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