[16] - Dinner

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Months had passed since the incident, and Stanley and Narrator had returned to normal. They were both working again, and Stanley's nightmares had become less frequent. Although it was still routine that if Stanley did have a nightmare, he would wake up Narrator, unwillingly, and they would sit and talk about it over a cup of tea. Stanley would then spend the rest of the night in Narrator's room.

But that didn't really happen anymore. Stanley was half tempted to fake a nightmare every once in a while just to spend the night in Narrator's room, but he didn't. He knew Narrator would realise he was faking.

Anyways, two weeks after the incident, Stanley and Narrator returned to work, and everything went back to before. Narrator was working hard on his book, and the pair went shopping together now. To be honest, Stanley enjoyed Narrator's company, and the fact that Narrator hardly left his side. Narrator wanted to make sure he was safe.

The woman, Sadie, Narrator later learned, had been charged with Assault and Battery, Kidnapping, Driving without a licence, and Attempted Murder. This totalled up to about 20 years in prison, and she had her car taken away from her, and destroyed. Her accomplices weren't found.

But that didn't matter to Stanley anymore, really. Stanley was safe. He had Narrator. He knew that Narrator would keep him safe.

Speaking of, Narrator was questioning going to a college, and maybe doing a degree in Psychology. Until he found out you needed a GPA. Which he didn't have. So that was out of the window. Instead, he just bought a load of Psychology books, focusing on the human mind, psychological colour theory, and many other things.
It had been five months since Stanley and Narrator left the Parable, when Narrator finally came to terms with his feelings. He knew he was in love with Stanley. And so he determined the courage to ask him out to dinner.

Narrator headed down the stairs as Stanley walked in from work, greeting him cheerfully. "Good evening Stanley! Was work alright?"
Stanley nodded, Yes thanks! My boss, Jim, slipped today whilst carrying a whole load of papers to my desk. Safe to say he's alright and I had a load of paperwork to do! Things were getting kind of boring there to be honest.

Narrator nodded as he listened, "Well I say serves him right for giving you so much paperwork, but if you enjoyed it, then I can't say much more, can I?"
Stanley shrugged, I guess not.. Anyways, I'm going to go get a shower.

Narrator moved out of the way so Stanley could pass to head upstairs, when he spoke, "Oh, Stanley? W-Would you like to go out f-for dinner.. with me?"
Stanley turned around, eyes wide, a smile growing on his features. Like a date..?

Date? That's what it's called.. Narrator thought as he looked to the ground, "Yes, I guess you could say it's a date."
Stanley smiled, Of course! It's a date. What time do you want me dressed for?

Narrator tapped his chin for a second, "7PM? It's 6PM now, so that should be enough time?"
Stanley put up his thumbs, Okay! I'll see you at seven!
And Stanley headed upstairs.

Stanley POV:

Freaking out... Freaking out.. Finally! I have a date with Narrator! Thank the gods! Oh, I've been waiting so long for this.. Stanley thought as he showered all the office musk off of his body. He got changed into a better dress shirt and trousers, reserved for special occasions, and tidied his hair up. It was still a tiny bit damp from the shower, but that would dry quickly.

As the time ticked closer and closer to 7PM, Stanley began to get nervous. Now he was thinking, What if I'm overdoing it? Do I look alright? Do I look sensible enough?
In reality, Stanley was fine, he looked smart, and Narrator wouldn't judge him for the way he dressed for the occasion. But he still freaked out.

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