[9] - Sleep Troubles

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Sorry guys for the long awaited update, I ended up on holiday with practically no signal lol. Anyways! Enjoy :D
TW: Mentions of Guns, Kidnapping and Stalking.

That night, Stanley slept rough. He was tossing and turning, for many hours. Although, he couldn't determine what caused such uneasiness. As much as he was aware, Narrator had gone to bed straight after dinner. He gave Stanley a quick thanks for the food, and retreated back upstairs.

Stanley stared at the dull patterned ceiling for what felt like hours, but in fact was only twenty minutes. Stanley peered at his phone on the bed next to him. The time on the screen read 1:22AM. Stanley sighed, and sat up. He decided it would be best to occupy himself with something, and so he left his bedroom and headed downstairs.

Stanley was met with darkness, and the quiet whirring of the fridge in the kitchen being the only background noise. Every sound seemed to enhance as Stanley tiptoed into the living room. On his normal seat was the book he was reading earlier that day. The book Narrator wrote. The book that made Narrator run off to his office.

Start of TW

As Stan flicked on the lamp next to the couch, he jumped back onto the chair, grabbing the book. It was very close to finishing. Stanley had gotten to the part where the police force is about to barge down a stalker's door, and when the man appears at the door with a gun in one hand and a woman wrapped around his other arm. The woman in question was described to be extremely frightened. And that's where Stanley had stopped reading earlier, as The Timekeeper appeared.

Stanley opened the book, and continued to read. The stalker threatened to shoot the woman he had hostage if he wasn't left alone. Narrator is a great writer.. Stanley thought as he read further. The woman managed to get free of her kidnapper's grasp, and the stalker was arrested, taken in for questioning. Although, in some way, the stalker managed to leave freely. The book ended on the following line:
"I can't believe I managed to get him to do all that.."

End of TW.

No! Stanley thought, No, Narry couldn't have ended the book there! Argh, that's gonna annoy me now.. Stanley closed the book, and wiped his eyes, although they still refused to close. And so Stanley sat there. Just staring into the dimly lit room..

Narrator POV:

Narrator awoke suddenly. He had that feeling you get when something bad has happened. He got up out of bed quietly, and placed his glasses on his nose, as to hopefully not disturb Stanley. That was the first room Narrator checked. As he peered his head into the room, they found the room empty. Narrator's heart began to race as he then checked the office. It was empty. Stanley couldn't be in the bathroom, the door was wide open. Stanley wouldn't leave it open.

Still, Narrator scanned the room as he passed, and it was empty. He tiptoed down the stairs, and found Stanley sat on the sofa, his face lit up dimly by the lap next to him. He didn't blink in the full minute that Narrator stood at the bottoms of the stairs. He didn't even acknowledge that Narrator was there.

"Stanley.? Are you.. alright?" Narrator approached slowly, trying to get a better view of the mutes face. At first, Stanley didn't respond, but as Narrator entered his line of sight, he jumped, and looked at the man approaching. Oh. Hello Narrator, what are you doing up?

Narrator sighed, "I could ask you the same thing. It's almost 3AM, Stanley.." The concern lacing Narrators tone was very clear, as he sat down on the couch next to Stanley. Stanley sighed also, I guess.. I can't sleep.. I don't know why, I just can't. Stanley yawned, but his eyes didn't feel heavy.

The pair sat in an awkward silence for a minute, before Narrator stood and went into the kitchen. Stanley could hear the faint rumbling of the kettle, a click and a tinkle as Narrator made a cup of tea. Another minute later, The Narrator returned and placed the mug of tea in Stanley's hands. "It's Chamomile and Lavender. I read somewhere that it helps to relax the drinker to be able to sleep. Please, drink it."

Stanley smiled weakly, Thank you Narry.. He took a sip, and took a deep breath. Narrator could feel his face heat up slightly, but it passed as quickly as it came, and so, Narrator grabbed the blankets from the back of the sofa. He draped them over Stanley and himself, and then spoke up. "I also heard that feeling the comfort of someone else nearby can help calm nerves for sleep. Would you like me to stay?"

Stanley's eyes widened. Narrator offering comfort? Stanley couldn't help but say yes. Narrators presence to Stanley was extremely comforting, and he was sure that this would help him sleep. Stanley nodded. "Alright then," Narrator muttered, taking off his glasses, "I hope you sleep well Stanley."
Thank you Narrator..

"Of course, Stanley."
Stanley finished off his drink, before curling up under the blanket. Another twenty minutes went by, and all Stanley did was toss and turn still. Narrator watched every time he moved, or heard Stanley curse in his mind. After another ten minutes, Narrator was starting to get concerned. He placed down his own cup of tea, and moved towards Stanley.

Stanley noticed how Narrator moved closer to him, and he scrunched his eyebrows together. W-What are you doing..? Narrator just shrugged slightly,"I don't know myself to be honest, Stanley. But, another thing, people who struggle with sleep may need something to embrace or be embraced by," They opened up their arms, "Um.. I don't know how to say this.. Would you li-!"

Narrator was cut off abruptly by Stanley falling into his chest, and the pair falling backwards onto the sofa. Narrator's heart began to speed up, and so did Stanley's, both becoming extremely flustered at Stanley's sudden actions. But eventually, Narrator wrapped his arms around Stanley, rubbing slow circles onto his back. Stanley had wrapped his arms around Narrator's stomach, and buried his head into their chest.

At first, The Narrator's heart was fast, but it eventually slowed down. And with the breathing of the pair, the kicking in of the lavender tea, the beating of Narrator's human heart, and the whirring of the fridge, Stanley finally began to fall asleep. He felt calm. He felt safe. Safe to know that the Narrator was here, and that he wouldn't be leaving. Stanley felt safe knowing that he was comfortable with Narrator being there.

And Stanley fell asleep.

1108 Words ✔︎

You gotta love some fluff. Honestly these two are relationship goals. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! And thank you for all the reads like, HOLY SHITTT!

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