I shook the questions out of my head.  I will probably find out soon enough. 

Zayn is the first of us to break the silence.  "So, where is the first place that you guys want to go?"  He asks.  I Think about the question for a second, and then reply, "I'm in need for a few new beanies.  Why don't we go to Hot Topic?"

Zayn nods his head.

"Well, after we are done there, can we go to Hollister?  I need some new sweatshirts." Says Louis. 

We all agree that we will go to Hollister as our second destination, and begin our journey. 

This mall is so huge, that we waste almost half an hour of bumping into fans, signing autographs, and trying to figure out where Hot Topic is from the the information on the maps.  If Liam was here, we wouldn't be having this problem, but sadly, he is not. 

By the time we reach the store, it's nearing twelve.  The music from the entrance is blaring, and we hear it before we actually reach the store.  I am thankful for the dim light illumination from the entrance so we can hide from obnoxious fans easier.

The walls of the store are decorated with posters from punk bands, and t-shirts line the shelves.  I make my way to the back of the store where the lanyards, hats, beanies, and accessories are kept.  Louis and Zayn follow me.

Looking at the beanies, my eyes instantly fall on a black knitted one.  I decide to try it on to see how it  would look on me.  

I take of the grey one that I already have on, and give it to Lou to hold for me.  Then, I take the new on, and place it on my curls.  Almost like magic, it swoops around my hair, making some stick out around the edges.  It is perfect!  

I smile, and look at myself in the mirror.  I look.....happy.  Like genuinely happy for the first time in weeks.  And it's not just because of the perfect black beanie that is on my head, but because I am standing in front of the full length mirror, and I actually look thin.  For once, I don't look fat.

Louis and Zayn notice how happy I am.  Just like me, Louis' face is beaming.  I think that he is just happy that I am happy. 

After receiving multiple compliments from both of the boys, I decide that I will buy the hat.  Just as I take it off, I notice something that I have never noticed before.  A clump of my curls fell out with the beanie. My face instantly fell, and I quietly inspect the strands of hair that are now in my hand.

 I drop them, and run my fingers through my hair.  Again, more strands fall out.  I feel my body begin to shake, and I instantly know what is happening to me.  I remember sitting in health class, back in my high school days, when they would talk about eating disorders.  

The teacher had given us a long list of side effects, and  I remember thinking to myself that I would never need to know them.  I was forced to study them, though, because the next day we were tested on the list. I thought that the whole eating disorder unit was stupid, so that night when I was suppose to be memorizing the list, I went out to party with some of my friends.  The next day, when I was sitting in class taking the test, I couldn't remember any of the answers. Needless to say, I failed the test.

The next day when we got our papers back, my suspicions had been confirmed and I had failed.  I had only gotten a few questions right and even those were by chance.  The one question that I still to this day remember was one that I had gotten correct. It was true or false, and It was about your hair falling out.  I suppose that I had remembered that side effect because it scared me.  I never wanted to lose my thick curls.  They meant so much to me, and Louis says that they are what makes me look so attractive.

I sigh, and finish placing on my grey beanie.  I take the one that I am going to buy, and drag my body  up to the counter.  I feel horrible; like if there were any, I might lose the contents of my stomach. 

I silently pay the cashier.  Louis and Zayn stand to my right joking around with some stupid gimmicks that are by the front counter.  They seem oblivious to my sudden mood change. 

As we walk out of the punk store, and begin our journey to find Hollister, I can't help but drag my feet.  I keep my eyes on the floor, and fight back the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes.  Everyone once in a while I run my hand through my hair to see if I have lost anymore.  Little strands fall out with every stroke.

My body twitches and I only have one question running through my mind. 

'What. Have. I. Done?'


Yep, so that's chapter 10.

Depressing, right?

I'll make it happier, I swear.  We're still getting there.  Happiness is on it's way and Louis is coming to save little Harrry! His damsel in distress!

Oh, and  I just want to thank everyone who has read or is still reading this story.  It means the world to me :)  I love you guys :D

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