Chapter 15

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Author POV

"Hyung is everything okay?" felix asked chan from behind the door as he heard sounds of crying from the room. Bangchan didn't answer
"Hyung can I come in?" felix asked again and he heard a silent 'yes' from the crying man in the room.

"It's all my fault felix, i shouldn't have pushed her to her limits and talked to her like that." said the leader of the group. He was at a state Felix never saw him before a crying mess.
"Look hyung we all make mistakes it's okay. Yujin is okay now with her friends" felix said and heard his beloved aussie friend sigh. 

*time skip to sunday morning*

Meanwhile in the pentagon dorm Yujin was debating if she should send a message to her leader, her man, her love. After a while of debating alone in the living room as pentagon had left for practice she decided to text him.

(Pretend this is Yujins phone)

 Hi channie, i just want to apologize
for leaving and making you guys worried
 i love you very much and i miss you  <3

As soon as bangchan saw the message he responded with  no doubt.

❤️Ma wolfy boi❤️
Hi sweety. There is no need to apologize,
 i should be the one doing that.
Sorry for everything i love you more than anything
in this world please forgive me.
Also how are you do you have a fever? <3

 Of course i forgive you,
you are stressed for this comeback and i get it. 
 Also i am better, i am not sick anymore
Hui bought me some medicine.
I am so bored rn
 Pentagon have practice and
will come back in noon 

❤️Ma wolfy boi❤️
Happy to hear you are better.
I can't talk to you more as i believe hyunjin and
 seungmin are burning down the kitchen
trying to recreate felix's brownies

Oh no go quick 😂

Then Yujin opened tik tok and scrolled waiting for Pentagon to come back. After a bit of scrolling she found a questionable 18+ fan fiction video with chan. She burst out in laughter and looked at the comments.

MyDayStay: Wait tho wouldnt that be considered stealing something very valuable?
StayMoa: Wait what do you mean?
MyDayStay: We would be stealing bangchan from Yujin like always remember to act surprised when they announce they are dating

She quickly saved the video planning to show it to him later. When she got bored of watching tik tok she got up from the couch and stretched. The girl decided to surprise her friends with a meal after their practice so she got to work carefully trying not to burn their kitchen down. She made them some Jajangmyeon and cleaned up the kitchen afterwards. It thankfully didn't take a long time after she finished for the boys to return.

"Hiiii!" the boys said in unison as soon as they entered.
"What smells so good?"Jinho asked looking at Kino confused
"I made you guys lunch!" Yujin answered his question
"Wait wait wait, you made food and didn't burn the whole kitchen down? Wow i am quite impressed in your cooking skills kiddo" Yanan said mocked Yujin.
"Hmph it's not even the first time i cook for you" the girl said trying to seem annoyed.

Then they ate the food Yujin made and chatted. When they finished the Yanan and Yuto the two she was the closest with offered to go to the mall with her. She of course agreed a little afraid  that they would spoil her again.

They decided to walk there as it was very close. The weather that day was really cold so Yujin could see small clouds forming every time she exhaled.  

In the mall there were a lot of people, some of which were fans taking pictures of the three idols even if they wore their masks. Yujin was careful not to look at something as she knew the two boys next to her wouldn't even think, they would buy it for her immediately.

Eventually Yanan and Yuto were looking at some clothes so Yujin had the time to look around for herself. She was looking at some plushies when the boys finished looking around.

"Do you like this plushie" Yuto asked his best friend pointing at the teddy bear Yujin was previously looking at.
"No no, i was just looking around!" she answered
"Don't lie Jinnie! Which colour do you want?" Yanan said as soon as Yujin finished talking.
"You don't have to buy it for me!" she said
"Okay the pink one it is!" Yuto said and Yujin sighed but eventually gigled
"Kiddo you wait here we will go pay. If you see anything else you want tell us!" Yuto continued.
"I will go to the bathroom, lets meet here when you guys are done as well" Yujin said

When Yujin finished her business and went to wash her hands she saw two girls around the same age as her staring at her.

"Everything okay?" she asked them with her beautiful smile stuck on her face
"No you bitch! First you steal our channie now you think you can steal our Yanan and Yuto oppas!" one of them said in english. After a bit of thinking Yujin remembered why she thought she knew these girls. These two girls along with some others were in a cover group  she saw on youtube and tiktok all the time.

"You shall pay you ugly fat bitch" the second one said. Yujin started thinking about her body that the girl just insulted. Yujin was never the one to dwell in such thoughts but maybe they were right. Her thoughts were interrupted though by a punch in the stomach.
"Don't you dare shout or we will kill you." they said in unison as they grabbed her arm and brought her to their car in which they made her sit in the back seat.

Meanwhile Yanan and Yuto where waiting for her thinking maybe she wasn't done yet.

After 10 minutes passed the boys started getting anxious. They both called her a million times but she didn't answer. They were looking around for 30 minutes and even said for her to come to the front desk of the mall in the speakers but nothing.

"Should we call her members?" asked Yuto.
"I think we should, i have chans phone number wait i will call him" Yanan said calling the leader of stray kids

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