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That's what Jimin felt after he went back in the sea. He finally saw a human, a handsome one at that. Jimin went to his room and had a big grin with a squeal escaping his lips.

He shuts his eyes and placed his hands on his face and squealed more as he flipped his fins.

Best day ever!

Soon Taehyung swam through his room with a confused look on bus face.

“Why didn't you hide? Did anyone see you?” He asked, boring his lip nervously.

Jimin smiled, with a hint of blush on his face which Taehyung notice.

“Tae, I met a human! A Prince at that.” Jimin said, clapping his hands in tiny.

“He wasn't cruel towards you, was he?” Taehyung asked with wide eyes.

“No, no, he was so nice, and sooo dreamy.” Jimin said laying on his back, rethinking the time he met Prince Jungkook.

Taehyung smirked at the older's reaction and sat in the bed with the blushing merman.

“What was he like?” He questioned as Jimin giggled.

“He's so sweet! I found out we got a lot in common.” Jimin smiled as Taehyung smiled back, a small one.

“Would you see him again?” Taehyung asked and the smile went way.

Taehyung wince that he made his friend sad. He shouldn't have brought that up.

“I would love too, but you know how my mother is like. Maybe if I'm alone a lot and sneaky. Cause I really wanna see him again.” Jimin said as he smiled at Taehyung who smiled right back.

Thankfully that Jimin's smile came back.

“I hope you do!” He said and soon the happiness was gone.

Jimin's mother entered. She looked at Jimin and notice a small smile and a tiny bit of blush on his cheeks.

“Son, ready for your birthday rehearsal?” She said making Jimin look up with a frown of confusion.

“Rehearsal? I don't need that for my birthday.” Jimin said but he looked down when his mother glared at him.

“Of course you do. I need everything to be perfect.” She said as she opened the door wider for Jimin to leave.

All the happiness Jimin have felt have slowly faded away, there's only a small bit of happiness left.


“Smile Jimin.” His mother said as Jimin give her a fake smile.

“Perfect, keep that for the day.” Sooyeon said as Jimin stopped the smile.

Jihyun in the other hand decided to be childish and played with the fish and made a huge mess of the cake. He was running around, trying to make Jimin have a real smile which did work.

Especially when he crash to the cake making him covered in cake. Jimin laughed making his mother hit his arm. Harshly.

“Don't you dear laugh, you are meant to be a good example for your brother, not encourage it. You will make a pitiful king.” Sooyeon said glaring at Jimin who looked down.

Jihyun swam to his mother apologising but Sooyeon smiled.

“It's fine son, just don't do it again. You have made Jimin very upset. That was his favourite cake.” Sooyeon lied.

That's all she ever does and making the both of them feel guilty.

He didn't want that cake. His mother did.

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