He turned around and opened his locker, quickly taking out his clothes and pulling them on. A hiss left his mouth as he tried to adjust himself in his pants. And that plastered a smirk on my face.

"What?" he asked when he turned back around, clad in his black shirt and black jeans.

I shook my head, standing up. "Nothing."

He rolled his eyes. "Girls have it better when it comes to this. It's unfair!" he complained but entwined our hands together. He grabbed his sand-colored leather jacket and threw it at me.

"What's this for?" I asked as he led me out of the locker room towards the back exit of the building.

"Just hold it," he said and opened the back door, stepping out.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking around. The backside of the building had a patch of unkempt green grass and overgrown trees. Atlas didn't answer and just kept walking. When the clock tower came into view, everything clicked in my head. "The library?"

Atlas flashed me a grin while his fingers tightened around mine. Wellsfield had a huge library complete with a clock tower that made it look like something from Hogwarts. It was one of Wellsfield's oldest buildings and had the capacity of having 1000 students at any point of the day with its big study halls. It also happened to be right beside the athletics building where the rink was.

With uncanny familiarity, Atlas led me inside through the back door of the library and up the elevator to the fourth floor. Then we walked to the very end of the corridor where he opened a door, revealing a set of stairs. "You are awfully familiar with this place," I commented when we reached the top of the stairs that had another door.

"I like to be aware of my surroundings," he said and pushed the door open. It was an attic filled with discarded furniture: tables, chairs, bookshelves with old files, even candlesticks, and an old, vintage mirror. The left side of the room had square windows one after the other in a row that showed the view of the entire campus. I watched in awe as I took a few steps in and stood in the middle of the room, taking everything in.

The sound of the door closing and the lock clicking in place made me turn around. Atlas looked like a giant in this room with a low ceiling. If he lifted his ankles a bit, his head would surely hit the ceiling. He stared at me with a smile on his face and a blush rose up my cheeks, suddenly becoming aware of why exactly we were here in the first place.

Atlas took slow, calculated steps in my direction until he was standing right in front of me. His hand came up to cup my cheek, his thumb rubbing in small circles. His gaze flitted to my lips and he slowly closed the distance between us.

His lips were soft and gentle, completely opposite to our frantic kisses in the locker room. It took me by surprise how careful he was being. Atlas Griffin definitely was not someone who cared about anyone other than himself. That's how I had seen him ever since we had met.

But this, the kiss was different as if he really cared and that made my stupid heart flutter. I almost melted into him, afraid of slumping to the floor with how weak he got me in my knees but he immediately wrapped his strong arms around me, holding me against him.

What started as a soft, slow kiss escalated into a scorching hot makeout session. Atlas walked me backward until my back was against the wall and his leg was in between mine. He parted from me only to kiss my neck instead while his hand trailed down my arm.

I let my hands slip under his shirt, exploring the smooth skin over taut muscles. His skin was warm and I wanted to snuggle closer, soaking up all the warmth. When his hand reached my thigh again, fingers dancing at the hem of my dress, he pulled back completely, raising a brow with a silent question.

The Hookup PactOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora