Nine In The Afternoon

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Three days later, on our next day off, I sat in my bathtub (dry) with a notepad and pen in hand, writing a song. It was to be called 'Gypsy', and all I had at that moment was the first line and the chorus.

The shower curtain opened, and Robert poked his head in the shower.

"How did you know that I wouldn't actually be taking a bath?" I asked unconcernedly.

"Eden told me that you were sitting in the bathtub, fully dressed and working on a song. I assumed that that meant that there would be no water involved," He explained.

"You shouldn't assume. You know what they say about assumers..." I stated, turning my attention back to my song.

"Who's 'they'?" He inquired.

"You know... they," I said like who 'they' were was common knowledge.

"Oh, that they."

"Yep. Take a seat," I instructed, pulling my legs up to make some room.

He stepped in and sat down across from me. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you sitting in a dry bathtub, writing a song?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I do my best thinking in a dry bathtub," I explained.

"That's kinda bizarre, you know that?"

"We're all a little bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all. I'm not one of those people."

"I'm aware. It's okay though. All of the best people aren't," He smiled.

"Alice in Wonderland. I love that book. The Cheshire Cat was awesome, but the Mad Hatter was my favorite. I think he's everybody's favorite." Spend the weekend sewing the pieces back on, I wrote that down after my first lyric.

"My favorite was the Mad Hatter, too. Listen, I need some advice," He requested.

"I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it," I sang.

"That explains the trouble that you're always in," Robert finished, smiling.

"I think that that would apply better to Eden. Anyways, what do you need?" I asked.

"How would you ask a girl who's a friend that you haven't know very long and has a thing against dating out on an official date?" I looked up from my notepad at him.

"You're very subtle," I said sarcastically.

"I know, it's one of the great things about me. So, what do you say?" He asked.

"I don't think so," I said reluctantly, after a slight pause.

I liked him, yeah. Did I like him like that? Probably. Was I ready to date somebody again? Hell no! Was Robert a good guy? Yeah. But, Dylan seemed like a good guy, too, and look how that had turned out.

"I know that you have dating issues, but it's just a casual date. Sort of like when I took you out to lunch a few days ago, except this time we're going as potential boyfriend and girlfriend. God, that feels so... primary school," He laughed.

"Primary school?" I asked curiously.

"Elementary school to you. So? Your answer?" He repeated.

"Still, no. You could do a lot better than me." The door banged open and three girls tumbled through, one with black hair, one with pastel pink hair, and one with brown hair. "You guys are horrible, you know that?"

They all shot up and stared at me with disbelief all over their faces. "You have to go, Winter! I mean, look at him! Look at his hair!" Vanity exclaimed, gesturing towards Robert.

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