The Rain Song

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I woke up two days later, feeling exceedingly worn out. At least we have today off, I thought groggily.

The way that our tours worked went like this. On the days that we had concerts, we woke up at eight, went to the studio for an hour or two, wrote some songs while there, did some interviews, did some practicing before the show, had a couple of hours to ourselves, sound check, then the show. We did this for two days before we had a day off, another two days, another day off, and so on and so forth. You wouldn't expect it to be predictable, but it was. You wouldn't expect it to get monotonous, but it did.

I rolled over on my stomach, looking at the clock on my bedside table. 10:01, it said. I groaned. Another hour until my wake-up call. I closed my eyes, fully intending to sleep until that call, but I heard voices coming from the sitting room.

"Dude, you have to! You guys may not end up together forever, but you need to show her that it's okay to date somebody nice!" Vanity.

"I don't understand. If she doesn't want to go out with me, then what do I do?" Robert.

Oh, sweet Jesus, they are not doing this to me...

"Then, try harder!" Eden. "I know that this is weird. But, you do like her, right?"

"Well, of course I do. I just don't think that she likes me. I mean, honestly, haven't you seen how cold she's been to me? To all of us! I just don't think that she likes us," He said, sounding slightly disappointed.

"No, trust me, she likes you. Yesterday, when you guys left after dinner, she told me that she wanted to get to know you guys better, she just didn't know how to talk to you." Monet.

God, are they all in on this?

"Why does she not date anyways?" Robert asked curiously.

Nobody answered him.

"Right, okay. Another tactic... What's wrong with her?" Oh, that's much better.

"The thing about Winter is that she's a genius. She has the mind of a philosopher or something, and she's a really deep thinker, so, as a result, she thinks way too much about things that she probably shouldn't. Things that have happened to her that make her really upset. She's constantly asking why things happen and what they mean, and when she can't come up with an answer, that's when things go wrong. It doesn't happen often, which is why it's really terrible when it does," Vanity explained.

"If she's such a genius, then why in the world is she a musician?" Well, then.

"She's a musician, because she loves it. It makes her happy, doing this. She loves writing and singing and playing guitar and making people cry and making people happy and making people feel, because she knows what it's like to feel empty inside," Eden said in that rushed way of her's.

Yes, do tell the guy I've known for two days my innermost feelings. Not like they're personal or anything.

"She's brilliant. She's completely, totally, without a shadow of a doubt brilliant, and this is how she lets people know it. She writes these beautiful songs that everybody can relate to in some way, shape, form, or fashion." God, Monet is eloquent.

There was a pause before Robert spoke again. "All right. I'll ask her out to lunch when she gets up."

"Yes, thank you, Robert!" Vanity exclaimed.

I made my best efforts to fall asleep after that.

Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring.

I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Hello, Miss Hollis, this is your wake-up call," The perky concierge said.

"Okay, thanks."

I picked my lazy ass up off the bed and headed to the bathroom. I turned the shower on without looking in the mirror to examine my monstrous hair. I did what one normally does in the shower; wash/condition hair, clean everything else, shave. Then, I got out.

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