The Curse

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Kemi had always been wary of using curses in her magic, knowing the dark power they held. But one day, she received a request from a woman whose husband had abandoned her and their children, leaving them with nothing.

Kemi felt sympathy for the woman's plight, and agreed to help her. She crafted a powerful curse, one that would make the husband feel the pain and suffering he had caused his family.

But as soon as she cast the curse, Kemi felt a dark energy coursing through her body. She knew that she had gone too far, that she had unleashed a power she could not control.

The next day, Kemi received word that the husband had been found dead, his body twisted and contorted in agony. Kemi was filled with regret and remorse, knowing that her actions had caused this tragedy.

Legacy of the Coven: A Tale of Magic and LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ