The Betrayal

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Kemi had always trusted her closest friend and fellow witch, Amina. They had grown up together, and had shared their love of magic since childhood.

But one day, Kemi received a message from a mysterious source, warning her of Amina's treachery. The message claimed that Amina had been secretly practicing forbidden magic, and that she was planning to use her powers to overthrow Kemi and take over the coven.

Kemi was torn between her loyalty to her friend and her duty to protect the coven. She decided to confront Amina and ask her directly about the accusations.

But Amina denied everything, claiming that the accusations were baseless and that someone was trying to sow discord within the coven. Kemi didn't know what to believe, but she knew that she couldn't take any chances. She kept a close eye on Amina, watching for any signs of treachery.

Legacy of the Coven: A Tale of Magic and LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant