The Unseen Enemy

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Kemi and her coven had always known that there were those who did not understand their ways, who saw them as a threat to the established order. But they had never encountered such hostility as they did on that fateful night.

As they gathered in the forest to celebrate the full moon, a group of angry villagers descended upon them, wielding torches and brandishing weapons. They shouted insults and accusations, calling the witches demons and evil spirits.

Kemi tried to reason with them, to explain that they were not the monsters they had been made out to be. But the villagers would not listen. They attacked the coven with all their might, and Kemi and her sisters were forced to fight back with their own magic.

In the end, the witches prevailed, but the damage had been done. Kemi knew that they could never let their guard down again, that they would always be seen as a threat, no matter how good their intentions.

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