The new dawn | Levi x Reader | Zombie AU (part 1)

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Two birds danced in the air, racing under the clear sky like they always did in this time of the year. Green was once again becoming the dominant color after the dark and cold months of winter. Spots of blooming flowers painted bright colors on the bed of the all living things. Living... what a strange word. What does that even mean?

Patterns, expectations, dreams, goals. There was so much we all wanted to do with our lives. So many dreams we tried to achieve and visions of who we wanted to become.

Learn to walk, learn to talk. Learn to look in both ways before crossing the road, remember to come back home before dark, it's dangerous world out there. Do your chores, remember to thank, it's good manners. Spend time with your friends, but don't stay up too late, you have school tomorrow. Finish school, and go to another one. Have dreams, get a job. Find a partner, have children. Stay out of trouble, don't lie. Aim higher, buy a house. Work harder, but remember to also spare some time for yourself. See the world, you only live once. Raise your kids, take care of your marriage. Save money, exercise, eat healthy, and you may live the long life you so dearly wanted to...

That sounds so nice. Why didn't you just follow that plan? Oh, that's right. The life as it was, stopped existing four years ago when the pandemic wiped out the majority of human population. All your dreams and goals didn't mean anything anymore. The past life was only a fairy tale, leaving the younger generation kids gasp with wide eyes, wondering if the world really used to be like that. It was all about living in the moment now. Tomorrow was no longer certain, not to mention long range life goals or dreams of having an easy life with lots of money bulging your pockets.

Nothing, except knowing how to keep yourself alive, mattered. Trying to remember the names of renaissance painters and their accomplishments for your exam, attending meetings at your office job, paying your bills on time... everything you considered important, was now irrelevant. There were no difference in people's social status, race or religion. There were only two kinds of people left. The dead and alive.

If you fail to remember to check behind the corner before walking past it, you might get eaten alive on by a horde of blank-eyed people. If you trust blindly on the next person you meet, you only end up getting robbed and left behind to your certain doom, or you face your end fighting them back. If you refuse to eat that half cooked squirrel that you managed to catch after days of chewing nothing but the insides of your cheeks, you will starve to death. Life itself taught you the only lessons you needed to know, and if you didn't pay attention and learn, you'd be paying the highest price for your mistakes.

Luck. That's what got you this far in this cruel, new world. Well, luck, good instincts, company of right people and finding a safe place to live.

What was this place you nod lived in? Well, it was nothing but an abandoned hospital protected by walls, but you knew nothing better. Getting in here was the best thing that ever happened to you. You cherished and cared for this place from all your heart, and you were ready to protect both the building and its people with your life. This was your Home and the people were your family.

The walls are strong and people had faith for better times, but time doesn't go by alone. Just like bones grow weaker by age, not even the strongest fortress can stand tall against time without getting scarred.

The new dawn | Levi x Reader | Zombie AUWhere stories live. Discover now