" Mother!! " Althea says and she then runs towards Lady Cynthia and gives her a hug.

" My~ you must have missed me? " Lady Cynthia says with a smile on her face.

" Of course! There's not a single day that I would not miss mother. " Althea says with a smile.

" Ahem. " Archduke Willard

" Ah... Of course, I also missed you father~ " Althea says to which she then also gives a hug to Archduke Willard and he openly hugged Althea.

" Have you eaten anything yet? " Archduke Willard says and Althea nodded her head.

" Of course! Madeline never fails to let me eat food father! " Althea says

" And also, I have Mr. Bosworth! He's always right here next to me, so I'm not scared of anything at all! " Althea says and Archduke Willard nod his head with a smile.

" Well, we will be having dinner tonight with... " Archduke Willard says and he then looked at Lady Cynthia who was just standing right next to him.

" With mother? " Althea says with a smile.

" Yes, " Archduke Willard says and Althea who was smiling looking back 'n forth at them, Althea smiled ear to ear.

" Is father dating my mother Cynthia now? " Althea says with a smile on her face which made everyone looked at her with their surprised look on their face.

" What? " Archduke Willard says

" M-My miss, you shouldn't say something like that..." Madeline says while Bosworth and Vera just stared at Archduke Willard and Lady Cynthia.

And on the other hand, Cynthia's face could not be painted.

" My dear, you shouldn't say something like that at all, people might misunderstood." Cynthia says and Archduke Willard nodded his head.

" Why not? I don't have a mom anymore, father also does not have a wife..." Althea says

" I also wish that I get to have real mother like how the other kids have both parents... " Althea says while acting she was sad and looking like she missed her biological mother.

" Althea..." Archduke Willard says

" I... I have never meet my real mom since everyone told me that she dies while giving birth to me, but I'm sure it isn't my fault that mom died right?? " Althea says making a sad expression on her face and looking like she is about to cry.

Archduke Willard then kneel on the ground with one leg and he then hold the two hand of Althea, giving a warm smile at her.

" Don't say that, it was never your fault, when she gives birth to you she was happy that she was able to hold you on her arms, she was happy, so don't blame yourself. " Archduke Willard says with a smile

" But I just wish that I also have a mom that I could call freely, I saw other kids in the capital they would sometimes go out with their parents." Althea says

" Everyone in here is my family, but I never get to have a family picnic where I would sit down with my mom and dad. " Althea says and Archduke Willard couldn't say a thing.

" I'm sorry, " Archduke Willard says and then he gives a hug to Althea.

" You might not have one, but I'm here, so don't be sad now okay? As your father, it is my responsibility to make my daughter happy, how about I buy you some delicious food? What do you say? " Archduke Willard says and Althea smiled.

" Okay." Althea says with a smile.

" Now, my lord, don't you want to say something else to Thea? " Lady Cynthia says while looking at Archduke Willard and he turns his head to look at Lady Cynthia.

" Ah, yes, of course. " Archduke Willard says and then he turned his head to look at Althea.

" Tell something about what? " Althea says while looking at Lady Cynthia and Archduke Willard.

" Well Thea, do you remember when I told you that you will be attending the academy? " Archduke Willard says and Althea nodded her head.

" Yes? What about it father? " Althea says

" Well, the headmaster of the academy had sent a letter to which they'll be accepting you as one of their students." Archduke Willard says

" Which also means we will be going to the church by tomorrow morning to get you blessed by the holy church and receive the holy blessings." Archduke Willard says

" Church? But father, I don't believe in gods blessings." Althea says which made Lady Cynthia chuckles and Archduke Willard turn his head to look at Lady Cynthia.

" Ah, I'm sorry," Lady Cynthia says with a smile

" Thea, it is a tradition that every child who turns six year old must go to church and receive the holy blessings and it is also a requirement for every students who attends an academy. " Archduke Willard says

" And it is an Academy that is open for all people, the academy doesn't care if you're a commoner, a noble, a princess or prince from another neighboring country. " Lady Cynthia says with a  smile.

" As long as my miss have receive a good holy blessings from the church, my miss will be able to enter the academy, it's a rule and tradition for every academy! " Madeline says with a smile.

" Ah, okay! Then I'll go to the church and get a holy blessing! " Althea says which made Archduke Willard smiles.

" But what if I don't get a good blessing? And what kind of blessing will I even receive? " Althea says

" Usually when children who have turned six my lady, they get to have an affinity to an element, be it fire, water, earth, metal or anything. " Vera says

" Mother, what about you? Have you receive a blessing from the church mother? " Althea says and Lady Cynthia smiled.

" I did, I have ice as my blessing, my entire family received the fire as their blessings but I'm the only one that has received a different type of blessing." Lady Cynthia says with a smile.

" Father, will I get to have a blessing too? What if it's not a good one? Will you be disappointed? " Althea says with a worried look on her face.

" Thea, no matter what you receive from the church, it is still considered as holy." Archduke Willard says

" Besides, I'm sure you'll be able to receive something great after all, I'm your father." Archduke Willard says with a smile on his face.

" Well, if father says it like that, then I'm excited to receive whatever blessing that is! " Althea says with a smile.

Everyone smiled while looking at Althea, not knowing what will be the event of tomorrow.

» The story will continue on the next page soon, thank you for waiting and reading this story!

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