Chapter Two - Meeting

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"...What?" At first, I thought I was hearing things. Did he say I had an Alpha interested in me?

"Surprise!" Sarah squealed beside me, giving me a hug and rocking back and forth. "Oh my god, you should have seen the look on your face! Man, I wish I had a camera."

"Way ahead of you," Mr.Radcliffe said, standing and walking over to his bookshelf where he had a collection of pictures, books, and other things on display. He picked up an award that didn't seem out of place among the others he's received over the years. "I got something even better. Video."

He started fiddling with it for a few moments until he held up a small SD card, a triumphant look on his face. Sarah started cackling at my side, holding her sides as if in danger of falling apart.

"I'm sorry, but you mentioned an Alpha?" As much as I loved being mocked, I had more pressing concerns at the moment.

"Right, of course. Sarah, I'll make sure to send you a copy later."

"Thank you," she said sweetly. I gave her the evilest glare I could, but she just shrugged, like it didn't even bother her.

Mr. Radcliffe pocketed the SD card and took a seat in the chair facing me, hooking one leg over the other gracefully. "Usually, a caseworker that is assigned to you will give you the news."

"Who's my caseworker?"

Mr. Radcliffe points over to Sarah, a smug look on her face.

"Once I heard that you got an offer, I begged-"

"Extorted, more like."

"Please, it was pressured at most and you know it."

"Hmm, sure."

"Fine, I pressured  Michael here to let me be the one to take on the case."

The tears that were just building and building finally spilled over. Sobs escaped from my lips as I brought my hands to my face, a small part of me embarrassed that I was crying in front of them. I don't remember the last time I cried like I did now. Sarah laid a comforting hand on my back, giving comforting strokes. We stayed like that for a while, them letting me ride the emotion out until I finally began to settle.

"I'm sorry," Mr. Radcliffe hands me a box of tissues and I accept it gratefully.

"Don't be. We can't possibly begin to know how nerve-wracking it must've felt for you. Can I leave it to you to explain the next steps, Mrs. Winchester?"

"Absolutely, he's in good hands."

We leave, the manager having a meeting to go to shortly but wanted to meet with me first. After exchanging goodbyes, we make our way to Sarah's office. Walking in, I'm almost overwhelmed by the state her office is in. Papers are strewn everywhere, books are piled haphazardly and even clothes are strewn about the place in a disorganized way.

"Stop it. I can feel your judgment here." She sits down at her desk, the surface barely having enough free space to hold her keyboard, mouse, and monitor. She sees me still in the doorway and waves me in.

"Well? Don't be shy, have a seat." I pick up a couple of folders from one of the chairs, creating a free space.

"I'm sorry, but how do you get anything thing done in this mess?"

"With style and grace." She gives me a wink before going back to her computer, her fingers almost a blur on the keyboard. She picks up a sticky note, one of many, covering the edges of the monitor, and types something in. She gave a slight frown at something she saw on-screen and replaced the sticky note with another and typed again. This process was repeated until she smiled in satisfaction.

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