Chapter 1: The Successor Of Garou

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Garou was the Legendary Hero Hunter And the Ultimate Monster who reject both Good and Evil

Garou was the Legendary Hero Hunter And the Ultimate Monster who reject both Good and Evil

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He's on no-one's side, He had hatred toward Heroes, Villains and More. Like Heroes, Union Academy, an academy for heroes to have Sacred Gears, Quirks, Semblance and Ninja Art, and they have a mark Garou as wanted man on Earth.

Alive or Dead

yet Garou able to cripple so many heroes, not that but Gods and mosnters.

Some heroes that tried to fight has died

Some of them have crippled

And many more, he fought Heroes And Monsters association and defeat them all handed, and even Saitama himself who just to be a hero for fun and yet he gain power and master them yet the more he fights the strongest he gets yet copy some transformations technique.

Garoubhas able to defeat Gods and High Class gods and equal against the Monkey King Himself. Mori Jin, the Monkey King that surpass and equal Demon Deity himself, Kanzaki.

Garou has achieve his goal that Heroes, Villains and more has fear him as the Ultimate Hero Hunter, he doesn't harm innocent, he just himself, and yet many people think they can fight the Hero Hunter, but they're wrong. It says he's Beyond Ultimate Class, God Rank and more. He not even a Monster. He's from a race call:

(And keep this mind this is not the Garou from the canon, this Garou is COMPLETELY different)

The Demosians.

From the Silverfang Demon Realm and Village are known to be exceptionally powerful but the strongest of their kind the Multiverse They are known to possess great physical strength, agility, speed, reflexes, etc. They like all other demons of the Sage Realm, are not limited by the effects of the seal and are capable of freely attacking the gods.

Demonsian soldiers have demonstrated the usage of Heavenly Arts and yet The Silverfang Tribe is a tribe led by Edward Silverfang. the Demon King who can Rival Sun Wukong. The Monkey Kong. A part of the tribe resides in and is led by The tribe's sigil is a silver fang The Silverfang are traditional rulers and war leaders who want peace and not causing some war, they would kill gods and more to protect the worlds and their people. Where they located is unknown.

These noble demon are known for their physical beauty, courage, and honor system of combat technique or physical. And yet when they get near death experience, they heal and get stronger, they can copy every fighting style, and yet copy every technique and use as it's own. And yet the Demosians are very powerful demon they have strong curse magic and more on a Bigger scale

Yet these kind of Demons are EXTREMELY Intelligence when it comes to technology, Battle strategies planning, hunting and more. Whats so extremely dangerous about them is.

These demons capable of adapting instantly to counter any threat that can be High Lecel God or Omnipotence

And their leader is Edward Silverfang

The Successor Of Garou: The Monster Among UsWhere stories live. Discover now