Tae held jimin's arm harshly pulling him close

"Listen boy...Don't you dare take me lightly...I'm not saying anything that doesn't mean I can't do anything...Stay in your limits"

Tae said through his gritted teeth and left jimin who caressed his arm that was held tightly by taehyung...

"Spooky bear!"


"Really Hyung??"

Currently jimin was telling jay whatever happened...He narrated the whole story making Jay surprised

"You should put sign boards in this big ass mansion...I keep getting lost..."

Jimin huffed and Jay chuckled...

"Why are you even working with this spooky bear...I mean...You're young...And this job is dangerous for you"

Jimin asked curiously and Jay looked down smiling sadly...

"Actually...my parents were murdered in front of me when I was just a child. I was left alone and scared, with no one to turn to. I had to fend for myself on the streets, trying to survive in a world that seemed to be against me.

One day, I met Sir Taehyung, a 19-year-old mafia boy who took me under his wing. He saw something in me that no one else did.

Boss became my mentor, teaching me everything he knew about the mafia world. I became his right-hand man, helping him with his operations and earning his trust.

Together, We faced many challenges and obstacles, but we always came out on top. I learned to be strong and brave, thanks to Sir's guidance and support.

Now, years later, I am a respected member of the mafia world... and I owe it all to him...

without him, I would still be lost and alone. I am grateful for everything that He has done for me, and I will always be by his side, no matter what.."

Jimin was shocked to see that this boy had gone through so much and that too in such a young age....

"I-I am really sorry for your parents..."

"Ah no hyung...Taehyung hyung filled that void for me...He's my parent..."

"Listen...If you ever feel like sad or happy or any other emotion ..Just come to me okay?...You're like sunoo to me..."

Jimin said ruffling his hair...Both of them smiled...


Taehyung strode confidently down the dimly lit hallway, his guards flanking him on either side. Their footsteps echoed off the concrete walls, creating an ominous rhythm that seemed to reverberate through the entire building.

As they approached the door to the basement, Taehyung's dark aura seemed to intensify. His eyes glinted with a fierce determination, and his posture was rigid and commanding.

The guards exchanged nervous glances as they followed their king into the unknown depths below. They knew that whatever lay ahead would require their utmost vigilance and loyalty.

Taehyung pushed open the heavy metal door, revealing a long, narrow staircase leading down into the darkness. Without hesitation, he began to descend, his guards following closely behind.

The air grew colder and more oppressive with each step they took, and the only sound was the soft shuffle of their footsteps on the concrete stairs.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the staircase and emerged into a large, dimly lit room. The walls were lined with shelves and cabinets, all filled with various weapons and tools of the trade.

With a nod to his guards, Taehyung began to move towards the center of the room, his dark aura radiating outwards like a palpable force. His presence commanded respect and fear from all who stood in his path...

As he walked, They heard a voice pleading....his guards fell into formation around him, ready to protect their king...

They were now standing infront of the room from where the noises were coming from...Taehyung opened the door and they all saw a man tied to a chair...

Tae motioned a guard to wake him up...The guard nodded and slapped Kenji hard...Making him jolt...

He woke up confused feeling a stinging pain on his cheek...But as soon as he saw taehyung standing infront of him with his hands in his pocket...Kenji's eyes widened in fear and shock...



Tae smirked mischievously


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