I nodded emphatically back. 'Let's do it!'

I decided, as it was the last day of term, we could forgo the normal methods of waking our dorm-mates up, and levitated water from the sink over them.

'Percy...' Harry seemed to hover over me, not interfering with what I was doing, but still nervous about it. 'Are you sure this is a good idea? Last time... well. Draco was rather mad at you, right?'

I laughed, waving it off. 'I'll be fine. We've learnt drying charms since last year. Ready? Three... two... one!'

There was a resounding splash as the water fell down on the other five occupants of our room. We stood giggling to the side as gasping shocked screams filled the air. The door was flung open a few seconds later, and our Godfather stormed in.

"What exactly is going on here?" He demanded, before casting an eye over the mayhem.

"Percy!" Draco yelled. "I swear by Merlin, I am so going to get you back for this!"

As our blond friend came running at us, we quickly ducked behind Severus, resulting in a sopping wet Draco to crash into the strict potion's master. Draco paled, looking up. To our surprise, Severus was grinning fondly at down at him.

"Well, as amusing as this is, I suggest you five hit the showers while Percy here and I clean up the mess your little wakeup call caused." Severus ordered. When nobody moved he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Move it, you lazy brats!"

Delighted at having our potions master behaving normally, our entire dorm kicked into motion, scrambling to snatch up their fresh clothes and towels before heading out. Blaise and Theo made sure to soak us as well, embracing us in a tight hug as they passed, before messing with our hair in greeting.

As soon as Crabbe and Goyle had left the room, Severus turned to us. "Well Percy. I highly doubt you'll actually be needing my help, so forgive me if I just stand here and watch to make sure you don't miss anything.

Sighing in slight disappointment, I waved my hand in a 'come hither' motion and smiled as the water slowly began to rise, floating over towards us as it formed a large ball of water just before us. With a simple spell, Harry banished the ball of water to the lake. Severus grinned proudly at us.

"Nicely done! I take it those were talents inherited from your father?"

We nodded, narrowing our eyes at the mention of Poseidon. It reminded us again of Camp. We had been so busy these past few weeks we hadn't had time to call Leo as often as we normally did. I made a mental note to ask our parents if he could come over for a few days round Christmas. Send him a portkey or something.

Severus, noticing we were lost in thought, put a hand on our shoulder. Harry smiled up at him.

"Sorry. We were thinking about Camp and Leo. We haven't been able to talk to him in a while." Harry explained. "Do you think James and Lily would mind if we invited him over for Christmas?"

"Has he no family to be with?"

"All his brothers in his cabin, I guess. Otherwise, not really. His mum died in a fire a few years back. He'd been on the run from foster homes when we found him." Harry said with a small sigh.

"Well, I can hardly see Lily turning away a friend of yours, and James will agree with Lily or suffer her wrath. And from experience, I can tell you that Lily's wrath is not something easy to withstand." Severus said, his face dead serious.

A small giggle escaped our lips, and we hugged our godfather. "Thank you! We'll ask when we get home."

At that point, Draco, Theo and Blaise returned, shortly followed by Crabbe and Goyle. We all headed up to the Great Hall together, chatting and joking as let the excitement of the festive season take over us. As predicted, Draco wasn't actually that annoyed at us, but he did his best to ignore us for the entirety of breakfast. But then, I can be rather hard to ignore when I want...

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